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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Keep this pic away from Qd. Fuck you honky...
  2. It means its done by a burely man in viking garb
  3. Franklin looks awfully white in the character circle.
  4. I can drive them fine, its almost too easy....
  5. Nope, thier reaction is: 8,000,000 gtao dollars
  6. Thats what i thought you were talking about, i had someone hide inside of a building but was still able to shoot
  7. I think its in the three facade / wall mural building
  8. Why would you want to do this? Other than to be a troll....
  9. Yes, some random gave me 119 dollars the other day. You can loan it to me at a -98% APR interest rate. A sea plan would be fun, especially with that huge lake in the center there.
  10. I meant about the collision less races. I have no problem with the driving physics so I see no need to change anything about them. Stall physics in the plane is a different story though. I don't know what you guys are talking about with ncp cars feeling to heavy when you ram them... they feel OK to me. What feels terrible is when a real player barely touches you and you are slammed into the side of a wall. That's annoying, but not a big deal.
  11. Middle easterners dont have slanty eyes, chinamen do. Nqp.
  12. Its not that complicated, people like to pretend that it is, though.
  13. You know the saying: "Beer is an acquired taste." Well, IPAs, strong ales, and stouts have very rich flavor profiles compared to other styles. They're really acquired-taste styles, even for beer-drinkers. Especially if you're partial to lighter/sweeter styles like lagers and wheats. I dont feel a lot of people "acquire" that taste, i think they mostly want to be seen as drinking some unknown expensive trendy beer. I drunk some ipa from "wormtown brewers" called "red headed bitch" that was supposedly really good. Tasted like a herpes infested vajayjay