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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. If you average around 7000 per mission, and a mission takes 5 minutes to complete, how long will it take you to earn 950000? Around 12 hours... I'd also say those averages are best case, and don't include the ammo and repair fees you gotta pay The point of Gtao for me, as with any game is to have fun. I am having fun, but I would be having more of rockstar was more reasonable with their prices.
  2. But, it it were an expansion back of rdr's style you would get everything Your not getting everything now, in part, because it is just too expensive.
  3. It look likes a jet inside of a stunt planes body... I imagine using if to slice between buildings and under bridges before clipping the side of A FUCKING POWER POLE AND BURNING A WHOLE INTO THE EARTH. As far as this expansion pack not being overpriced, if you don't think 50 dollars is over priced, then your right.
  4. How much is the jet? Does it spawn
  5. I wish we could do custom paint jobs on planes boats and tanks.
  6. Myself, beatnicpie, conquested, and dozy gamer met up for an impromptu xbox live gamer event... Some pics. Debating on getting piss drunk alone or seeing the world.... Glad i decided to go out, got to meet conquested's love gun... We met dozy gamer on craigslist, his gun was long hard and strong, and as you can see in the big, conquested is very good at chugging and swallowing. Got this pic of conquested getting ready to give dozy his lovegun, anally. Conquested needed something to wash away the cum, so he got herpes cola. Magically infectious. Beatnicpie came late, but filled the cavity quite well...
  7. Lot of people here would prefer to kill real strippers and store them in a freezer, occasionally taking them out to cum in their face and yell whore at them. Thats just some people though, welcome to the forums.
  8. Politial infighting always sends a strong message to the world http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/ukraine-crisis/gop-members-congress-slam-obama-response-ukraine-crisis-n42506
  9. Isn't cuda and q a gaming website?
  10. He's like a chocolate caramel massacre A whole bunch of Asian wrapped in an unescapable shell of negro
  11. Kuz is way better than Damian
  12. I was gonna say Asian, squinty slanty eyes all, but ultimately decided on playing it safe with classical black guy
  13. Well, there you go. Good for you.
  14. Was editing in the disgruntled black man face into your post necessary???
  15. I was going to say black people but I didn't want to sound racist, being a friend of the blacks
  16. Nah man, there was a mention of Africa, which makes the whole topic about Africa. See, Nigeria is in Africa, Africa has black people, I believe Obama was mentioned somewhere else in the topic too - boom, double black people. I've decided this topic to be racist as hell, whites should never be able to talk about Africa, less they want to face the wrath of gif posting 'you stfu' e-black-police. That moment when dumbasses like yourself don't know the meaning of "has to do with". My point was the op is an article based on an act of terror in Africa. Obviously Africa will be mentioned a few times in this thread because of that. By your reasoning, if I were to post at all at any point in this thread it would be me being summoned because someone mentioned Africa or black ppl. No, motherfucker. That's me responding to a thread that just happens to do with Africa. I didn't turn this into a race thing, you did. You can cry and bitch all you want about me using that gif, I really don't give a fuck. Also, Cuda, shut the fuck up. You, like al sharpton, get all worked up over shit that just doesn't matter...
  17. Qdeathstar


    A mouse is way more sensitive than a mouse...totally free aim using analog sticks is nightmarish
  18. I thought it was about American imperialism ?
  19. Yes. Make illogical statements then when asked for evidence respond "fuck you" /me bows You must be seriously deluded to think American doesn't go to war for it's own interests whether that's natural resources or not. That's what war is all about. Interests, but not for oil or resources. To stop the slaughter of innocents, prevent terrorism, strategic interests ect. It's more about ideals than economics Sorry Q, but that is extremely delusional. If it was case, Africa would be a much better continent, and don't even get me started on NK. That is the case. What else did we gain? We pick and choose our battles of course. There's no strategic interest in Africa.... There are no major world powers there... North Korea isn't worth the risk of pissing off china.... Sure, but modern Europe as a whole doesn't go around spreading its definition of justice across the globe. If it were to, it would be purely out of interests. America as a society has these sort of generalized misconceptions that are quite shocking when you acknowledge the shear importance the country has over the world - things like healthcare, building a nation under firearms, the ridiculous selfrighteous state of mind the public has on how the government acts outside the country for the benefit of the "oppressed"... It's not that bad though.There are, at least, California girls to save face. Europe used to spread its ideologies, but they are no longer world powers... America is split 50/50 on nearly all the issues you brought up as "American misconceptions" so you should not generalize so much.
  20. Qdeathstar


    If gta 5 was on psn for ps4, even as a port.... I'd buy it. I can't believe rockstar missed the boat on this...
  21. Yes. Make illogical statements then when asked for evidence respond "fuck you" /me bows You must be seriously deluded to think American doesn't go to war for it's own interests whether that's natural resources or not. That's what war is all about. Interests, but not for oil or resources. To stop the slaughter of innocents, prevent terrorism, strategic interests ect. It's more about ideals than economics