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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Verbal terrorism always was my favorite... Yes. Make illogical statements then when asked for evidence respond "fuck you" /me bows
  2. What natural resources did Kosovo have? What resources did Afghanistan have, for that matter what resources did we gain from any country we've ever invaded? And before you say oil, sources please. I'm pretty sure that the only thing the US got from war is a lot bills..... If you wanted to make the argument that we are benefiting from war you should have talked about the private security forces and contractors we employed who are paid handsomely but you didn't make that argument because your only source of information comes from the back of some shitty indie punk rock band who wands to prove how counter culture they are. Congratulations.
  3. I think it might add a lot to the server load... Ofc, the only spawn when your around them like peds, so idk
  4. Stop being a cunt. That's my job. Laugh your way through the beating and you win a cookie! I'm pretty sure he won that cookie
  5. Cuda, put that in your handwriting using a pen, and ill make it my sig
  6. What I was going for... I was whoring for a like from massacre, but I can see that's been takin Taken
  7. Well, looks like your'e winner. Facts, they dont matter as long as you got weed! Also, there is just a smidgen of irony in "typical racist". Finally if I didn't call you a honky, would that mean I wasn't a bigot?
  8. Pfft. My honky, if we wanted the oil from Iraq, Africa, or any other place, we would have it*. Also, most of the oil we use is sourced from within america. Our liberal president wants us to move toward cleaner energy. Pay attention. Iraq was about Iran. Not oil. They just fucked up the details. We actually sell most of the oil refined in America anyway ? Oil isnt usually refined until it gets here.... From where ever we get it from...
  9. Dear My Love, I wrote these words to fill a hole within your soul, so shallow now if truth be told, today it always seems your caress is so cold, careful now you've just slept, slightly scary now i havn't wept, we always said it would last forever, frighting how slightly things seem to sever, see your eyes are pale and grey, gravely it seems you've slipped away, awkward to see you limb by limb, loosely i remember removing them, you'll now fit nicely im quite sure, shivering in my deep freezer's door, do not knock is all i implore, or finger by finger ill settle the score.
  10. I would, but then id have to start all over with gtao, and ps4 time is just around the corner.
  11. I had just noticed that when i press the chat button, i get an error. Why cant you fix it fitty, WHY
  12. Pfft. My honky, if we wanted the oil from Iraq, Africa, or any other place, we would have it*. Also, most of the oil we use is sourced from within america. Our liberal president wants us to move toward cleaner energy. Pay attention. Iraq was about Iran. Not oil. They just fucked up the details.
  13. i think making it into a "King of Mount Chilliad" thing might be ok.
  14. Feels like story dlc might not be in the works for gtav
  15. you guys are such fucking pervs , no wonder all you guys have is porn and no real women lol my friend from Germany just invited me onto the wewana play app and I wanted new friends , but not you guys lol i'll stick to real men who play GTA but can still hold a decent conversation with women Oh, hell no. There will be none of that. Not on my watch, sister. Firstly, if you're put off by one masturbation comment on a forum full of guys, you're not gonna have a good time here. Secondly, we have many forum members that are happily married or have girlfriends, as well as many fine upstanding single guys, all of whom count as real men. I've had many a decent conversation with them, when we're taking a break from being perverted. Thirdly, if you're really trying to make friends, get off your high horse, because right now you're coming off like someone more interested in pushing an app on strangers than opening up and meeting new people. Stop being judgmental, and tap into your sense of humour. We run one of the best fansites, we have excellent game guides and no-bullshit content, and we're a hoot to play with online. Take it or leave it. In short, take it up your ass, cunt.
  16. Erm,i was looking around the website yesternight, and i clicked on a button that said chat. It didnt work. Please. Fix. I lost my dog while i was playing gta last night, and i think that might be related to this.
  17. Me and gunny, he is masturbating behind me in that shot... He came and i left so we werent mutually there for very long.. Same jacket hat and glasses by chance..
  18. http://www.tmz.com/2014/02/15/kanye-west-kim-kardashian-drunk-in-love-beyonce-remix-jay-z-impregnate-mouth/