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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Wtf you can't be a comedian now....
  2. I know... But i was counting on that being the part of the internet you don't moderate... yet...
  3. You can use my cock as your symbol of silence anytime you want....
  4. Wtf, they want me to spend almost a million on it, and i cant get anything for it in the long run? Pfft.
  5. I wonder what happens when I use a shark card to buy the car, then haw to sell it back when the next dlc pack comes out.... I only got a 10 car garage...
  6. I imagine lots of wood chippers and log cabins..
  7. Good point - if they can have wounds that heal over time and hair that gradually grows, why not clothes that gradually get filthy for as long as they're worn? I was unaware that your hair grows over time in Gtao...... I'm gonna have to go bald and see how it takes to get knee high hair!
  8. Pshhht, whatever dawg... Is u runnin the hood or is the hood runnin you? Ima not gonna b thug-trippin my whole life. I'm going to move to the Bay Area, invest in real estate, and escort some skinny smooth small-penised Chinese men around.
  9. Unless you get ran over or shot.
  10. Slot machine poo stain shorts! And matching "lucky" shirt
  11. Nothing is a guaranteed source of income. Well, except for collecting unemployment.
  12. I let it slip by the first time you said this, Indy, but I must beg to differ now that it's come up again. An artist may get a deep satisfaction and fulfillment practicing their craft, perhaps in greater depth than an average white- or blue-collar worker, but it's misleading to think art doesn't require hard physical labour or unavoidable drudgery as part of the process. Do something you love and never work a day in your life...
  13. I may be making a Gtao money Puchase, since the dlc is free and I want that car.
  14. Pm me a zip, unless it's a cock flipbook. Im very discreet.
  15. People were able to do that during hurricane Katrina, and they weren't even super smart serial killers...
  16. If they cant help, have you tried saving an image from the internet as a jpg in gimp and seeing if that works?
  17. Well, I reckon you can be a double, no, triple agent!
  18. He didn't loose the data, but only gimp can open it.... Something is wrong with how gimp encoded the jpg Gunny, if they weren't personal pics upload a zip