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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. What are the dimensions of the image, about Also, i would use the windows search function, and search for .xcf files....
  2. Yes, i know. The wont let you upload .bmp's because they are very large. What is the file size of the .bmp gimp created?
  3. You can download a image file from a camera, take all the exif data out, and it still uploads to other web pages fine... Did you try saving it as a .bmp?
  4. If they were, they wouldnt open in gimp. Ive had this problem before, in paint shop pro, and in that case, it was because, although they appeared to be saved as .png they were actually saved as .psp. Either way, if he can open them in gimp, then resave them, they shouldn't still be corrupt. Maybe their is something wrong with gimps compression for jpg files, so thats why im suggest bmps, which arent compressed.
  5. Im almost 100% certain that they are being saved as .gimp files. Try saving one of them as a .bmp. But don't the .bmp, select it. http://registry.gimp.org/node/26296 Apparently you have to use "export"
  6. Also, if you type the file name as .jpg, the image editor will still want to save it in its own proprietary format... As the actual file type options are in a separate drop down menu that the file name. Also, if you type the file name as .jpg, the image editor will still want to save it in its own proprietary format... As the actual file type options are in a separate drop down menu that the file name. Can you open it in gimp?
  7. You probably actually saved them as .psp or whatever image editor you were using... It actually saved it as. Image1.jpeg.psp. But windows sometimes cuts off file extensions, so it looks like image1.jpeg
  8. I thought i seen someone online with a gas mask before...
  9. Well, there is the casino... Maybe well be able to buy race horses...
  10. I dont really care too much about lore, but if certain races belong to certain factions, it would seem like it would break the atmosphere to much...
  11. Im thinkin id rather spend 15 on a fifth i can drink now.... Nope, it smells like shit.
  12. I would watch the ufc, but it never seems to be on....
  13. I wish that the mechanic coul deliver bikes. The trek from los santos to the mountains is unbearable
  14. *pats brian on the back* Its ok, son...