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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. The only one i played was absolution. Like i said, originally, i liked it but it got repetitive. Wheres the reading comprehension at around here....
  2. Wow. I just realized I havnt played any games released in 2013 save gta 5.... I might check out dead space
  3. Interesting you talk about lawyers getting overpaid, the lawyers I've talked to would beg to differ. Some lawyers get paid well... But most work for lawfirms or corporations where the pay isn't as high as you'd think especially considering it can cost more than 100 grand to get a law degree... Choosing a degree without considering what the job market will be like would be foolish. It should definitely be part of the discussion
  4. I majored it in. The price of the dow doesn't correlate to the pay of most of the people who work in the financial sector of the economy. Having three times as many accountants for an economy growing at three percent will reduce wages paid to those accountants...
  5. There is an over supply.... The finance sector might bounce back some, but not like 2008. The United States has made it illegal to trade the types of securities that were making them all that profit..
  6. Im a business owner, who is an electrician. Historically being a sparky has been quite lucrative, at least here it has. Electrician is an excellent job. My point was that people spend years working toward degrees, and most end up in a completely different line of work. I know a guy with an archaeology degree who fixes computers for a living. I wouldn't draw the conclusion that going to college isn't helpful though. It teaches a process of thinking that can be used no matter what you are doing, even hooking. I majored in economics but I got the most out out of two psych classes in undergrad and all the marketing and management classes I had to take as part of my MBA.. But if anyone is thinking I'm going to college, getting a degree in finance and be hired and make a lot of money is mistaken. You can't teach experience.
  7. Serenity now, insanity later.
  8. I would hate to live in ny. It stinks there, literally. Of the major cities ive been to, Minneapolis and Washington DC are my favorite.
  9. I was thinking about it .... But its 250 for one game.... Meh....
  10. Financial analysts, bankers, managers, ect arent getting paid like they used to. Part of that is because of the financial crisis and the other part is that everyone is getting a degree in business. Its not a limited supply occupation... Financial analysts, bankers, managers, ect arent getting paid like they used to. Part of that is because of the financial crisis and the other part is that everyone is getting a degree in business. Its not a limited supply occupation...
  11. Im a business owner, who is an electrician.
  12. Have you maybe thought that was your fault and not the games? I bumbled my way through first time, got into way too many points where I'd get detected, peg it and just hide in a cupboard and pick people off as they entered, I ended up going back through not impressed with my performance and using my new found abilities did it in the most pro ways possible, did fun takes on the mission [e,g sneak into the heavily guarded building wearing a fucking ridiculous outfit etc], took new approaches such as sniping etc. No. I didnt think it was my fault. Thats stupid. The objective, always the same. The method, always the same (sneak around). The reward, another objective. Meh. Sneaking into a building wearing a virtual thong instead of a virtual suit just doesn't do it for me.
  13. You got some xbox bully you hiding from son?
  14. I have an MBA in economics...
  15. Never see you online gunny.... I'm usually on weekdays 7pm est... AM RADIO, add me "Qdeathstar"
  16. Well... Thanks for derailing my thread, SPAMMER
  17. Let's be honest, treefitty, your making shit up. There are no servers in the cloud, the servers are the cloud... Also, the cloud will never give you a new ip. Your ISP might though. Try unplugging your modem.
  18. Not everyone had hacked money, so raising the cost would fuck players with real money or people just buying the game now. Now you're the one making no sense. R* was put in a box. They took the money you never should have had, away. Deal with it man. It's just a game The only people able to afford the tanks which cost over 1 mil were people who were gifted money... The only box rockstar was put on was one they made themselves. I dont feel sorry for them.
  19. I liked hitman absolution, but after playing about ten of the missions i lost interest.... Too repetitive.
  20. The single player aspect of the game was much much shorter than previous gta's