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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. My main problem is that they fucked up, and rather than just dealing with it and sucking it up, they reset everyone to essentially zero... I think a much better solution would have been to just fix the exploits, the increase the costs of spawning tanks/planes/ect... People would eventually spend the money, and no one would feel shafted.
  2. I didnt ask for a flawed online game.... This isnt the first game that has been online, your analogy makes no sense. Im not a developer. I don't want to be. It would be like if you hired an electrician to wire your house, and when it didnt work and you said, "wtf" he responded "why dont you wire it yourself then" Anyway, moving on from the idiocy... Having an online component to your game isnt that ambitious. Call of duty has been doing it successfully for years Your mentioning stuff that might be pr has been promised but not yet delivered. With rockstars track record regarding gta 5, can really trust it.. Yeah, but everything costs soooo much. You and others are exaggerating what i said....i didnt say i hated rockstar or wouldnt play any rockstar games. I said i lost faith in them and they're not my favorite developer anymore... Who cares about having a "right" to bitch. Rockstar fucked up, but instead of dealing with the consequences, they punished me by making me start all over... Last time i checked gta 5 costs 60 dollars, xbox online costs 60 a year... Its not free.
  3. Who said it was beta? Also, I didn't say I hated rockstar. I'm actually surprised they fucked up this badly. Driving a fast car is a lot dinner than driving a small one, and jeans cost 3500 dollars... Yep.
  4. I never exploited anything but I was given money. I don't have time to read everyone's post and respond right now, but I will. I know you all feel like I'm being a cry baby but you can't argue that those things didn't happen..rockstar isn't some indie developer. They aren't some innocent. They are a multinational firm making billions of dollars. This is inexcusable, IMO As to treefitty. I appreciate you not moving it to the asylum, but Why does this belong in the asylum? It's not spam. Surely it's not the popular cool opinion... But, it's not spam...
  5. 1. Show you a lot of things you want, but can't have. 1. Talk about how great the high feels how awesome the experience is. 2. Make the stuff you want real expensive, but say "welp, you can save up for it" 2. Charge a lot for some meth you can make for less than 10 quid. 3. After people start figuring out the best way to make money, make it even harder to make money. 3. Go after your competitors to make sure your the only one selling meth. Raise the price. 4. Randomly start giving out huge sums of money, blaming it on mysterious hackers, and not shitty coding, 4. Give about free samples of your meth to the people who want it most, making them want it even more. 5. Parties over, start paying, or you can go years without getting the stuff you enjoyed for a month. 5. Parties over, start oaying, or you can go years without getting the stuff you enjoyed for a month. Rockstar and take two are no longer my favorite publisher/developer. Reckon i'll have to switch to bethesda,
  6. Sounds like your doing a great job at getting shit in order, treefitty.
  7. Isnt he the guy who theorized the paramids where actually alien landing pads, and that ancient civilizations traveled through "stargates"
  8. History class was easy, i know enough of it, but i find the future more interesting. Also, the cliche history repeats itself doesnt make history special. You just need the highlights and some common sense.
  9. Face the facts brian, everyone agrees.
  10. Truth, legitimate mics are available for less than a joints worth of weed.
  11. Its hilarious that back when the 360/ps3 debate was hot, people were using 360s mp community as a reason it was superior. Not based on this site.
  12. He rounded to the next highest integer, nub
  13. :shakesfist: During the playoffs pfft.
  14. Treefitty said he cant edit anything on the front site... Thats why the latest posts section points to pre release discussion and the countdown clock is still up... Sad really.
  15. That would be easy to fix. I dont think its fair that they remove the money. The only reason they want to remove the money, is so that people will buy the shark cards. It didnt take some l33t haxoring to get all that money, just taking advantage of shitty code. Rockstar should have to pay for their fuck ups...
  16. You can't just slap Nutella and banana on pita and call it a beaver tail, it's gotta be deep fried and hot and puffed up. Is that really never tail, or is it like restaurants calling spicy chickin bites "gator bites"?
  17. Chill out, honky. Im still nonplussed. Actions speak louder than words, and dear i say, i have a (as in one) black friend. He's my source for the black man cutting coke with the welfare debit card, which he tried to sell to me under market value so he could buy more coke. Now, he could have been white, but for the purposes of truth, he was black. Sorry kuz. Maybe if i had no black friends i wouldn't have offended you. Besides, i was mostly for the mlk jackal, provided we get a flaming homo jackal next month....
  18. You can totally get fucked up from it!
  19. I like the adder. Flat black for the primary, gloss black for the secondary, black rims... Done.