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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    I can't read German, gunny.
  2. Right. Get better friends who dont harang
  3. Me, beatnic, and stoic worked pretty well as a team on survival.. Made it to level ten, killed on the characters except for the helicopter
  4. Well, i prefer people to have mikes for crew sessions/whatever
  5. Qdeathstar


    Hmm. I felt that is was on topic. He wanted people to prove him wrong. Whether he is wrong or right is irrelevant. People will buy the console regardless of whether or not he is wrong or right.
  6. Yep. Gtao is definitely beta But I just got paid 10k for an survival mission..
  7. Qdeathstar


    No, not that one. I figured that one would be deleted....
  8. Qdeathstar


    Did someone delete a post I made here?
  9. Come on guys, he is gonna return to his old ways before the end of the next episode.
  10. Care to elaborate. I dont read the comments on the rockstar newswire, but i would like to know what im not reading...
  11. Google has that stuff for free Also, that website looks straight outa 1998. Good work. Online Guide for Grand Theft Auto V WARNING: This Is Not Some Lame "Ebook" Guide Serious Gamers Only.
  12. Nice car. Be responsible. We know how you are, brian. I'm pretty sure it's disintegrated right now, it had severe everywhere rust. Besides my current one has a bigger engine Old one had more room in the back...
  13. I prefer all the help i can get, honestly... Autoaim on. I cant ever seem to get past wave five on survival.... But i like that mode at the junkyard the best... I got up to level 8 once, but it was one dude carrying us three the entire last three rounds... He had 27 or 28 kills each round,
  14. Problem is, im playing gtao and can only ever get around 45k before i find a new weapon to buy... Plus ammo and vests...
  15. Well, i consider myself a casual fan, but i liked it, though i felt the first half hour was really strong, then it dragged on after that.
  16. Qdeathstar


    Xbox had better gui, controller and was quick to adapt to netflix/amazon streaming Xbox had better gui, controller and was quick to adapt to netflix/amazon streaming Xbox had better gui, controller and was quick to adapt to netflix/amazon streaming
  17. Okay, what does everyone think about Thursday 7pm est
  18. Qdeathstar


    I feel the longer this goes on the more chance of it being legit. Has bethesda said anything?