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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. My entry http://prod.cloud.rockstargames.com/ugc/gta5photo/2931/z4wb9M5OKEiuM64-ZXG2iw/0_0.jpg http://prod.cloud.rockstargames.com/ugc/gta5photo/1953/IbTg1eZRLE2xsyAXpypLxg/0_0.jpg
  2. It's not about the virus, it's not about the zombies. What caused the infection is irrelevant. They tried to explain it when they went to the CDC building in the first season, and it was stupid and very out of place. There is no reason to explain how the infection started in the first place. They sure as hell wouldn't know what to do about it, and it's not going to get rid of the millions (probably billions) of zombies. The story is about the people, how they interact, how they deal with this new world. Other people have been a bigger threat than the zombies and have caused more problems than the zombies. The zombies are nothing more than a plot device. Zombies damaging the fence is no more of an issue than running out of food would be. In fact, the zombies and fence are easier to deal with. The whole point is that these people are unprepared for this, and the fact that zombies are on the back burner while the group deals with human enemies and their own psychological issues demonstrates this. They're more worried about themselves and the human events around them than the zombies. In addition, the Walking Dead universe is clearly one in which zombies were never a part of pop culture, and there has been no indication that anything resembling a prepping community exists in this world, either. This is a completely alien situation to them, and the constant human-related issues force common sense to take a back seat while they deal with them. Epic post I think Carl burned those two....
  3. My tv blew a light bulb, the replacement takes till Friday to get here... So probs won't be ready till sat evening.
  4. I wanted a fat black midget.
  5. If your not gonna post youre face, what about a cock shot?
  6. The fense isnt fixed... They clearly show that it was just a temporary fix as the zombies are already shaking the fence in the second fense scene. Also, the zombies were being fed at the fense (remember the dead rats, and one lf the characters points it out, that would have attracted the zombies. That, combined with the shooting from inside the prison, attracted more zombies that usual, which ultimately caused the fense to partially fail. Finally, it was stated that the guy who was bit by the infected sleep walks, so he locks himself im his cell, hense the outbreak was slow to spread until someone checked in on him that morning, and at that point the outbreak spread rapidly.
  7. Gta ching jang.... The great wall would be great for sniping.
  8. I like the new actors in this season, it's got potential
  9. Can you switch crews you use for your online character?
  11. http://www.cnn.com/video/standard.html?/video/showbiz/2013/10/15/conan-steven-yeun-ashamed-of-tiny-nipples.team-coco&hpt=hp_bn9&from_homepage=yes I could give him my nips on a loaner basis...
  12. And Carol not checking the nerdy kid for bites when she realized he had the fever, or anybody for that matter.. It's been established that the first step of being zombified is the fever.. Everyone is infected already, bite or not.... Thats how whats his face lost his leg, it was bitten off. He didnt die, so he didnt turn into a zombie. The kid got sick from something unrelated to the walkers, but related to the pig and the walker. He defo shouldnt have tapped that pig. He went from fine to sick to dead in an afternoon....
  13. So, the last post in the Pre-release forums was October 5th. We should move it to the bottom, change the name to "Spoiler Free Discussion" and change the "Latest Forum Discussion" to one of the more active forums.