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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. I don't know what people are spending money on, I mean, after an apartment and car... Aren't weapons cheap?
  2. I watched it and it was pretty intense... The one scene where Kinda pissed me off though because it's sooooooo cliche. 8/10 with two of those points based on the IMAX 3D visuals.
  3. Reality isn't as entertaining as fantasy.... Reality isn't as entertaining as fantasy....
  4. Qdeathstar

    Two PS3's

    The last time i played a ps3' which was about four years ago, you could just save file saves to a flash drive
  5. I think the writing helped him be a believable actor, I don't think he'll make the men movie better though
  6. I agree, the new characters look like they are great actors as well.
  7. Im almost certain there was a topic about this show somewhere, but anyway, i get a hard on every time i watch that show. Theresa farmiga makes me cum... Anywho, here is the trailer for this season, i just watched the premier. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lz2f_S5yPpc To bad fucking her means death, ill just have to settle for facial bukkake.
  8. Saw your leg in half, two halves make a hole, crawl through the hole.
  9. What can you put into a barrel to make it lighter?
  10. Titanic in space? Hells yeah!
  11. Yep. I was shocked into deciding to watch it bAsed on the reviews.... Going wenesday Yep. I was shocked into deciding to watch it bAsed on the reviews.... Going wenesday Yep. I was shocked into deciding to watch it bAsed on the reviews.... Going wenesday
  12. When I get around to getting online im gonna be a honky with a fat lip and blond hair... Cause thats how i roll.
  13. Not that kinda immerse, gunny The kinda immerse where you lack a penis, gunny
  14. So, is it safe to go online yet? Who is this and why are you spreading is word?
  15. 1. Yes 2. Yes. 3. No. 4 I havnt tried 5. Idk what you mean, scan lines rofl. 1. Yes 2. Yes. 3. No. 4 I havnt tried 5. Idk what you mean, scan lines rofl.
  16. I'm pretty sure it is inside of the salton sea, I seen a barn area than looks exactly like the barn from north Yankton, just without the snow.
  17. I didnt realist sdtvs were still obtainable. You can get an hdtv for 119, DO. Stop smoking crack and get you some.
  18. I find hard to believe that textures have changed...
  19. I did that one in full chrome, but bye the time i got it back to the beach for the photosesh it was dusk Do, no hdtv?
  20. Massacre, how about an invite? Although, if your on ps3 and im on xbox... Im not sure how that would work.