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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. I cant pm you on my ipad, dio.. So, here they are http://rsg.ms/1bxenAZ http://rsg.ms/1bxesVg http://rsg.ms/1bxeOez
  2. Stop making excuse for rockstar and take two, Massacre. If they didnt know what they needed, they should have known. If they werent prepared for the server load, they should have been. This isnt some upstart indie game developer, its a professional international corporation. Their isn't any excuse for this kind of unprofessionalism. I understand you like rockstar and take two a lot, but making excuses for their mistakes lets them off the hook. They should get their shit together, we paid for GTA online to work, and it should. I didn't pay anything for GTAO it came free with GTAV you're bitching about the quality of a free product. You got your copy of gta v for free? They did market the multiplayer when selling the disk, nimrod. Its like saying the transmission in the car was shit, but when i bought the car the transmission was given to me for free so i cant bitch about that. Right. Honestly. Would you have bought GTAV If there was no multi player? That question is irrelevant.
  3. Stop making excuse for rockstar and take two, Massacre. If they didnt know what they needed, they should have known. If they werent prepared for the server load, they should have been. This isnt some upstart indie game developer, its a professional international corporation. Their isn't any excuse for this kind of unprofessionalism. I understand you like rockstar and take two a lot, but making excuses for their mistakes lets them off the hook. They should get their shit together, we paid for GTA online to work, and it should. I didn't pay anything for GTAO it came free with GTAV you're bitching about the quality of a free product. You got your copy of gta v for free? They did market the multiplayer when selling the disk, nimrod. Its like saying the transmission in the car was shit, but when i bought the car the transmission was given to me for free so i cant bitch about that. Right.
  4. You have to click on the snapmatic logo, then filter so it just shows your pictures...
  5. Make a deadline. Friday or saturday seems good to me.
  6. Brian, the game isnt perfect, but it is a lot better than gta iv, imo. Everything about it is fun.... Also, i thought the writing this time around was better, a lot of lol moments. Whats wrong with that?
  7. Yay http://rsg.ms/18MG4Fr Yay http://rsg.ms/18MG4Fr
  8. Midgets would be cool. Are you a midget, ginginho?
  9. But, i like the potato penis Also, how to you get the pictures off of your console onto this website, i spent a good 2 minutes trying to figure it out before i said fuck it.. Soo, any help?
  10. Stop making excuse for rockstar and take two, Massacre. If they didnt know what they needed, they should have known. If they werent prepared for the server load, they should have been. This isnt some upstart indie game developer, its a professional international corporation. Their isn't any excuse for this kind of unprofessionalism. I understand you like rockstar and take two a lot, but making excuses for their mistakes lets them off the hook. They should get their shit together, we paid for GTA online to work, and it should.
  11. Hmm, i dont have that much money to customize atm, but.... I am all in.
  12. That mission was fun, however, i tried to go to the otherside of the vinewood hill, and clipped the sign Newho, i like the yogo as a minigame, the motions totally relax my thumbs after an intense high speed chase.
  13. No. I would not. They look slimey.
  14. You can ride the skidoo up a lot of the waterfalls... Like even ten feed tall ones i rode them up one of the small streams...
  15. I think the minigames where a lot better this time around. Tennis and yogo are fun, I haven't tried golf yet, though.
  16. hey, fuck that ten member limit bullshit, half those honkys wont even post a picture.
  17. Ok, treefitty do-overs How to trains effect the online gameplay.