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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. I asked about the single best feature we dont know about. Im actually just upset you didnt answer my question
  2. Everytime i read this topic, im like man, gta v is the shittiest game since the last resident evil, but when i play it its really fun... I dont remember their being a topic like this for other gta games
  3. Nothing new there folks. Nice write up though.
  4. Good movie, but... I think its too dated for a video game... Maybe a gta dlc "escape from los santos"
  5. Cyantist, in the end it's just a game. If there is someone doing this better, buy from them
  6. Can every post general times when they can play so we can plan meet ups?
  7. How about more ball gag pics, cover up those teeth, Bdupz.
  8. Your doing it wrong, mayan. Also, i was originally gonna take the girl to the altruist, but then i remembered i had an appointment in los santos with Michael, so it was on the way to drop her off at her place. Picked up a fat stack to boot.
  9. Wait a minute, can you cross dress in gta v?
  10. Qdeathstar


    I'm buying a ps4 because it's 100 cheaper and I plan to buy both eventually anyway
  11. Whats the single best feature most of us dont know about? Whats the single best feature most of us dont know about?
  12. There was a guy who stole a tank and did that in the early 90s...
  13. Yeah, but they did say gta v was all about money, hence the money art in the v...