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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Pink hamburger meat tastes like slosh dude. Its disgusting. What did you do about the blueberry skin?
  2. Not that i would ever watch leaked gameplay, but the gameplay graphics ive seen dont look quite as good as the shots. It does look fucking huge, though.
  3. Well, excuse me mr hacky hackerton. Im guessing real hackers hang out on chaturbate.
  4. It doesnt do you any good to post more than twice. Task 110 is available.
  5. Task 108 Next ten posts receive random points between 1 and 100,000 points. You can win a maximum of two times
  6. The lag was just a problem with too much traffic... Its cleared out because peak time is over. That could be fixed if you made the forum require registration (because there would be a lot less sql queries for data, and guests would stay on the site for a shorter period of time)
  7. Open bar? Wtf kinda gamestore do you shop at...
  8. Ok, I understand you are working on it, i was just thinking that "use adblock" and "nothings wrong" were ridiculous replies.
  9. Samsung tvs use active glasses? I thought they were all passive... Its a gimmick anyway, its not as good as at the movies...
  10. You cannot use adblock on an ipad or iphone. Also, the ads here are worse than any other gta site, you just have adblock installed so you wouldnt know. All the web browsers are reporting this as an attack site, not other websites that also have ads. I think you must be trolling massacre because there is no way you actually believe what you are saying about these adds being no worse than any other gta 5 site. Those sites arent getting blocked. Also, its pretty, er, dumb to suggest that people who visit your site should have adblock installed in order to safely browse the website, especially when the site requires ads to sustain itself. Ads are fine, but this shit is ridiculous. Why the denial.
  11. This error is keeping all the n00bs out, cutting down on traffic. Hey, Fitty, tell that guy everything's fine.
  12. The smart tv is shit, the gui is way to slow to be useful. But samsung is the best lcd you can get imo, and the 3D is nice. I got a 72" mitzubishi dlp 3D where i play video games. Its nice, but its active three d, and having to keep track of batteries and shit is too irritating so i never use it. You could have gotten an 82" dlp for about half the cost, same or better picture quality,
  13. Do you have adblock installed? I think all the staff should visit the site without adblock installed.
  14. Massacre's not really in a position to know. It is whoever is running and placing the ads on the site, and that guy is not a member of these forums.