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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. This site is not safe. You probably have adblock on, and i use an ipad. But the amount and quality of the adds that do display on a regular are terrible This has to be the worst gta fansite for ads. (Unless you have adblock installed) This.
  2. I cannot understand the whole midnight release thing. Seems like a major pain the in the ass. Plus, but the time you get the game home your gonna be all tired and shit and not feel good. Who wants to play a game in that state?
  3. Task 105 Next ten posts 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000
  4. Task 103 I want someone to draw me a recreation of Truths penis. First three to post it here win 10000, 5000, and 2500.
  5. This one, but i was just skimming topics so i cant even tell you that it was a reliable source. Im taking about the blueprint map
  6. Not yet, but by next Christmas, there will be a lot more people with next gen consoles. Gta6 is probably only 3-4 years away.
  7. Well, the map we are supposed to be getting is double sided, so maybe the otherside is where the island is at
  8. Idk, I think the shelf life of gta online is still only about of year, especially with the next gen consoles comming out. People aren't going to keep their old console once there are games out for next gen... Rockstar definitely isn't going to keep developing gtav online for 5-6 years...
  9. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    You can't talk about one without the other...
  10. Task 96 Next 10 replies recieve at random 10000 9000 8000 7000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 You can only win thre
  11. Yes, i agree with deleting all the leaks that come from people stealing the game. The ps3 boneheadness leaks were one thing, but outright stealing a gta game is a nothing thing. They are both things
  12. OP should make a poll so we can vote on our favorites label them one through 20 or so and then have use vote
  13. Wow massacre, there is a lot of hate built up inside of you. Bromanson was clearly trolling. Ban him. Ban him now. Actually, though... A quick fun to play game would be state of decay. Id go for that.
  14. I didnt find any of the games to be particularly interesting. I guess 49ers packerd was ok.
  15. Im hoping amazon sends it to amazon prime members on monday, thought i think there is zero chance of that ... I preordered the special edition.
  16. Way to put a honky in is place, high five. Im pretty sure that map is at least close, since everyone agrees that the user generated maps are pretty close to the original map.