
Gold Member
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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. I kno wat u meen cuz i think the game will b gud 2 and i dont care wat review sites say i am getting it b4 i read read them reviews cuz u kno they is not rite neway.
  2. I already added your chat, you never completed 55, my dick would know.
  3. Way to troll. Or is it flame? I was given my gold membership. I never go into those forums though, despite being a forum with no rules, it almost never requires moderation.
  4. No. Get full coverage on the car, then get life insurance on your friend. Have your freind steal your car, rigged with explosions, then kill him. Collect the life ensurance and get your car replaced.
  5. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    ... If it came with madden 25, id be more excited.
  6. It takes two minutes to make an account, but I'm still waiting for an invite
  7. Well plus, it's hard for a black person to be the leader of anything because they just don't have the aptitude for it. Leading things is definitely best left to older white men, like Michael
  8. Qdeathstar


    I agree, anyone with four user accounts is childish.
  9. Task 56 I would like a drawn picture of a donkey doing Dallas. First two get 300 and 150 pts Task 56 I would like a drawn picture of a donkey doing Dallas. First two get 300 and 150 pts Post them here
  10. Qdeathstar


    I'm the ignorant one? You came back with the most childish retort ever, instead of trying to have an actual intelligent conversation you result to flaming, belittling and come under the assumption from what I mentioned in my post that I would be getting the Xbox One. I never said which console I was going to purchase but obviously you wasn't intelligent enough to read the whole post. I also would love to see you prove everything I said wrong? Obviously you don't have the intelligence to have an actual conversation and thus resort to belittling, flaming, poor attempts to troll, and fanboying. If you actually read the post you would know it wasn't fanboyism because I own almost every console as said, it was the truth and I also said it was my Opinion. Also if you read my first sentence in my post you can see that what I wanted actually worked. Bait & hook. When you actually want to contribute to the forums or threads and "articulate" a conversation, please add knowledge and facts not poor attempts at trolling, flaming, or fanboyism. Until then stay blocked. P.S I actually pay for four different Xbox Live accounts, see I can afford what I have unlike some who prefer handouts. Ok, but why do you need 4 accounts for. Youre wasting money, thats nothing to be proud of, sir.
  11. I overestimated how hard it would be to take 18 pictures and post them,
  12. Truth post some of them here so people can see what a winner looks like
  13. You have to take one picture for each letter in "grand theft auto five" there are 18 letters, so, 18 pictures. Each picture has to be about the letter, and you need to write out your username and include it in the shot, so i can verify that you actually took the picture
  14. Task 50 First member to send me 18 pictures, one for each letter of the game. Each picture must have your user name written on a peice of paper in front of the picture you take. The g picture needs to have a g in it, and r picture needs to have an r in it, ect Grand theft auto five Send them too me all at one. First person to complete a set receives 1500 pts