
Gold Member
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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. I got the mobo cpu and heat sink set up, ill take pics tonight. The graphics card got delayed till september 10th, so i had to cancel it... Its ok though, i got the same card overclocked edition for like 20 more. It will be here tomorrow. Ill post pics later tonight .
  2. Ill have to go through yours more carefully brian. If it is one or two lines here or there, thats fine. If its entire paragraphs, no. Edit: he's just copied more than one source.
  3. If you click on my name, you'll see a link on the top right of the next page which says "send me a message" thats a pm, or private message.
  4. Break out the old typewriter, truth, spin us a tale You, it would put you in first place if you completed it.
  5. I doubt anyone will do it, but its an opportunity. There are easier ways to get to 1500. This is just one
  6. Task 23 First person to write a 3000 word or more essay comparing and contrasting gta 5 vs gta san andreas recieves 1500 pts. The work cannot be repetive, cannot be randomly generated, must stay on topic, and must be original work. Pm it to me via .txt
  7. I would have been slightly more excited if this were about the ps4's day one psn, even if it was just a ps3 port
  8. The points have been updated. Task 19 Next five unique posters receive 25 pts. Second and fourth post receive + 15 bonus
  9. You made a few posts in the blitz topics as well as in this topic that qualified you for some pts mersecure
  10. Task 17 I would like a picture of a triangle on top of A square with a circle in it First two members get 25 pts each
  11. Task 10 Draw a picture of a truck riding on a tree, then send it to me. First two people to send a link to me receives 50 pts and 25 pts respectively.
  12. Task 9 Next 10 unique posters recieve 3 pts. First and Last unique poster recieve 15 point bonus.