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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. I dont know any children than can throw a football 50 yards or kick a 50 yard fieldgoal. Go troll someplace else, or watch soccer, you miserable proud american.
  2. I think the hud looks fucking rediculous, but i dont really care about that anyway.
  3. Announcing something I could thing in November or something.. People aren't going to not buy gta so they can play gta with horses
  4. Moar paosts the better u always say....
  5. Make sure what ever your plugging into the outlet says 120~240v on it otherwise there's no way to be sure it regulates the voltage or not.
  6. Qdeathstar


    If you chooose a real high speech skill in new vegas you can bluff your way past several of the boss fights.
  7. I think that you can still get people playing hard, trying to make the team... Also, i guess @gta4.tv aint working boners, ill send you a pm.
  8. I can't seem to understand the humor in this.. Can someone help me out?? Gta5 aint comming out for pc same time as consoles
  9. Qdeathstar


    Bones, make a night version of it for a dark theme, also, if it was 150px wider, it would be great
  10. Nah man, all you gotta do is sport a red white and blue turbin that says " america fuck yeah" on the back. When someone asks you if youre a terrrorist, point to the headgear.
  11. Those screens are taken from a camera, you have to flip the images to get the real life perspective on river placement.
  12. Vlad was cool, but idk if i feel sorry for him. Drug dealers live that kind of life by choice. Dont know all the details, but.. Meh. Re crazy russians, i just read an article where a russian man stole an entire road, now that is hard core...
  13. The better be working, I really wanted an igta5.com one, but psy is a cunt
  14. My least favorite team is the seahawks, even moreso than the cowboys, and im a redskins fan. They play dirty, take drugs, not to mention the fact that they bragged about injuring rg3... Fuck em.
  15. Qdeathstar


    Guys, if anyone wants to use the ifallout.com domain, just let me know where to point it. Im still working on a site, eventually... But im not sure when ill have time to finish it, if ever....
  16. Hmm, i use Logitech MK710 on my computers at the office, and i find them very comfortable and reliable.
  17. Does that bridge wrap the corner of the nw portion of the map, or does it go further north and west?