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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. I would never buy pc gaming speakers for my main gaming systems sound....
  2. Ad aware used to be good for antispyware, but now its whored up the last time i used it, so idk.
  3. No, it was on the server side. Ipads cant get adware... Treefitty fixed that. Gtagrl probably has adware on her laptop, most likely from a toolbar that was bundled with some software she downloaded off the internet.... Bones had the same problem
  4. The line between the legs that yearns burns and begs, searching for a soul to devour with unshakeable power. The want beyond mere wife yields pain strain and strife, twisting my thought shivering hurried and hot. The shallow within our selves which extolls cajoles and contains, ending empathy discovered in apathy.
  5. They were supposed to have multiplayer in this game... That never happend
  6. I completed it on normal mode, And I almost never play a games story through more than once, but infinites gameplay is so fun, I'm playing it again in 1999 mode.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQuwPZaD_a0
  8. You might be able to shoot cat but do not can know shoot cat
  9. Why would you want a radioactive superman as opposed a run of the mill one?
  10. So much for this being a weekly thing... When did gta 4s website launch?
  11. Why do you assume avoiding dropping the soap is the only solution to this riddle?
  12. Qdeathstar

    Web Hosting

    I use godaddy for everything. No problems. They are a lot more legit. I used a couple of lesser known service providers, and they shut down (and held hostage all of my data) becuase i was using "too many resources" Same sites on godaddy all work fine, and i have 4-5 using the same hosting plan..
  13. I hate getting sand in my vagina Have you played red dead redemption? It probably works in that way If not, then (if they do it the same way) you carry all of your weapons in your inventory and just select the ones that you wish to have on hand on your wheel at one time. I'm sorry that i'm not really great at explaining but if anyone wishes to improve the explanation please do Maybe some guns are rare/can be modified... And need to be repaired/maintained..
  14. So wait, are you a proud american?
  15. I dont, i didnt mind it. Its a small box on the bottom of the screen.... They wanted to make it as small as possible.... Looks ok to me, three lines around a circle would look weird, and the large bars would be goofy.. At first i thought maybe they were all on the same line because they were an iron triangle type of thing, where you could have a specfic total of health and special ability, and distribute it the way you chose, but i dont think so any more, since both players have the same amount of the three things
  16. That would be cool, reminds me of the stick sniper game
  17. I think the the movie will be entertaining. The story will be generic so im not expecting a whole lot there, but as long as they dont fill the movie with low budget cgi, i think it could be decent.
  18. Ask your parents if they can google it for you, safe search off. why do i get the feeling that you now believe that i am a child Were all children of the lord, sir