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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Ask your parents if they can google it for you, safe search off.
  2. what is this shit? THEY BRINGING CHUCKY BACK. I enjoyed the first three movies.
  3. Plausable.. I hope so, I'd love to see him wood wanking
  4. The one thing i dont like about the show is the 90 second intro. Wtf is that shit.
  5. Yes, i really enjoyed it. Cathartic.
  6. You even be able to hear things that arent there! Until they pop in, that is.
  7. Hey, interesting.. I just recently (as in now) purchased dexter ep 1season 1 and am watching it
  8. Just unlocked the carnival lands ....
  9. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    Possibly, its up to them.
  10. I wouldnt mind san fierro and las venturas as dlc..... The more map space the better, imo.
  11. OJ Simpson was like a hometown hero /black guy though
  12. Thats cuz ur a man of class gunny... Me, ima take her 'round back and rip her a new asshole, literally.
  13. This game looks good but it seems like it could get really overly complicated..
  14. So you're telling me you believe his "born again" Jesus bullshit. I wanted to vomit every time he pretended to tear up, kissed the field, or pretended to pray. It's all a fucking show, and it pisses me off because fans and the media believe it. He should just shut his damn mouth and watch film of all his missed tackles in the Super Bowl. No idiot. I'm saying there is difference between one bad person on a team, and a team whose players are constantly getting into trouble/acting unsportsmen like. My point is whatever his true colors were, are, and is, he isnt currently getting into trouble.
  15. Reggie bush? Lol Apparently no one told that to Ray Lewis and his band of thugs. Ray Lewis isn't an entire team. Also the that incident happened liked 12 years ago....
  16. 6-10 this year... Maybe they finish even at best. Gangsta squads dont win football games.
  17. Tornados are almost just as rare as tsunamis in california
  18. Buying the panties of preteen girls out of a vending machine isnt acceptable in california. So no they are not the same,