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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Well make fucking jokes that sound like jokes then. You sounded like another douche that loves to trash the Lions because the cunts in the media do. The lions do suck, though.
  2. If you were to realize the rage behind an empty mind, could you kill the coldness inside of those who lied? Guilt dripping down their mouth, pigs trampling to the trough. A fleeting feeling lost in greed. Just feed. Z.
  3. Hey honky, don't be racist. I know a black person that can swim, sorta. Also, when is the last time tsunami's hit california?
  4. Well, not for 200... Might do it for 5 easy payments of 39.99 though...
  5. Jizzin, you could totally start a Facebook spamtrap! Post a picture of your self Don't like - Make fun of him Like - Respect Share - Courage "Warren, who was terrified he would end up homeless, even considered selling his testicle sac on eBay to help fund his treatment." Doesn't get much better than that. Wanna buy a scrote coat? how much?
  6. I dont mean to be rude, but were you born like that or did you get into an accident? You look way better as a chick. Your principle must be a paedophile, though.. Who else would get teenage boys to crossdress?
  7. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    It senses heat, cuda. LIGHT THAT BITCH ON FIRE!
  8. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    That actually happend to me when I was watching the Xbox One unveil on my Xbox 360...
  9. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    There are, but ms chose to do that
  10. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    Get the ps4 m8. It's from Japan. Gimp and Gas mask friendly
  11. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    It has face recognition software to make sure the game is licensed to you.....
  12. This game is kinda hard, and when you've been with a character for a few hours and then he gets surrounded by a horde of shreekers and dies, it's dissapointing
  13. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    Have you ever actually use the kinect? First of all, motion recognition is spotty at best. Also the voice control is harder to use than just pressing buttons on the controller, and I can't use the chat function because I have a large tv and a nice sound system so the center Channel feeds back into other people's sound.. The kinect is good for when you have parties and want something to pass the time, but it's not worth 100 dollars to me.
  14. I've found it's impossible to be more human than human. Inhuman, however, is easy
  15. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    If i cared. Actually, i dont think you can unplug it. Using your own math, it would still be $40 cheaper
  16. Qdeathstar


    Idk, I could go for some free rdr right now
  17. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. My god has needs, like i do. We both want, to rape you.
  18. Buggy? Maybe it was just the demo...
  19. Qdeathstar


    You never were cool kuz... Anyone who thinks Sony wont use drm if they think it will increase revenue is naive. Sony can change their policy about drm whenever they want. On the drm issue I'm pretty sure ultimately the only difference between consoles was the pr. Ofc, the Internet only snafu seems like it was just as well planned out as apple's map app snafu
  20. Massacre, you should check this game out. Its kinda like that zombie survival guide we were playing on a couple of month ago. Definately worth 20 bucks... People die, and once they die, they die. Just today I woke up, and was walking around just outside of camp. I got a call that one of our group member's brother needed help. Apparently he had fallen off a roof while scavaging supplies. I got in the sports car i had sitting out front and drove full speed towards the location. Just ahead, there was a zombie hord walkin accross an intersection. I reved my engine and plowed into them at full speed. I hadnt realized, however, that that particular intersection was a T junction overlooking a ravine. Unable to stop my car tubbled into the ravine, flipped and finally came to a stop in the mud. I crawled out, stamina drained. The comotion of the crash attracted several zombies. I initially chose to try to out run them. I hadnt realized how much the crash had taken out of me. One of them caught up with me, jumped on my back and began chomping me. I managed to throw him off and bash is head in with a rusty axe i had found on a construction site a few days earlier. Unfortunately, the fatal blow broke the axe and i was left weaponless as the rest of zombies circled around. I took off sprinting but it wasnt enough. One of them dragged me to the ground, as the other two began tearing my innards from my body with their claw like hands.