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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. I would also like the source for los santos being the most southern portion of the map.
  2. Qdeathstar


    Sony has complete control over what third party developers do. Third party developers require sony to give them license to publish software on the ps4... Sony can require third party developers to publish drm free games in order to obtain the license. Would they do that at risk of loosing the business of publishers? Hell no. But they still have complete control.
  3. Qdeathstar


    That's all well and good but what's stopping the game developers themselves from pulling a Microsoft? Their already attempting to combat the used games issue with online passes and such, It's like Microsoft is being more straight forward with the future of gaming whilst SONY is just gently nudging us into it. I think SONY might be misleading us, guys. They might not have this sort of thing built into the actual console but they also don't have anything in place to stop it. Doesn't ea already do this with their " online pass" ? Drm is a fact of life folks, but that's not the only reason ps4 is winning this gen.
  4. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    Also, who watches videos?
  5. Judging by the way the map is rolled, there must be a lot of stuff further south after los santos... There is only a half a roll going north. But there are are like almost two rolls goin south
  6. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    http://www.engadget.com/2013/06/12/don-mattrick-xbox-360-offline/?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000417 "We have a product for users who cant get online, its called the xbox 360"
  7. Didnt rockstar or someone say fan maps are extremely close to the map??? If thats the case then idk about a southern section
  8. Problem is that the blueprint map show that los santos is on the very bottom of the map.. Edit: nvm, it dont.
  9. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    In before the lock! Very nicely done
  10. Qdeathstar


    Buying the bundle just to play with you
  11. Qdeathstar


    Now what are you going to use to play GTA V? Xbox 360
  12. I think maybe they expected it to get canceled...
  13. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    MS sent you a preemptive response, proud american. Here are some of my favorite excerpts: YOU GONNA GIT SCHOOLED SON!!!!111!! http://www.cnn.com/2013/06/12/tech/gaming-gadgets/microsoft-defends-xbox-one/index.html?hpt=hp_t3
  14. Iphone screen: Ipad: I took both pictures
  15. Qdeathstar


    I was thinking about some blowjobs, i usually get 10 a piece...
  16. Qdeathstar


    I just sold my ps3 for 225... Figured id sell it now before it looses too much value. Now all i need is 150 more..
  17. Qdeathstar


    Im thinking about preordering the ps4... Can anything of a reason to wait? Eg, bundles later on?
  18. I thought the first season was pretty good. Sorry i missed this post
  19. In the picture their is another mountain in front of the yellow mountain, but I don't see that mountain in the airplane pic The other problem is that on the helecopter pic, the mountain ends before the lake does,