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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. then you have to burn it to a disk, then load it in the xbox, then you gotta worry about LEA sending you threatening emails (which i've received in the past) its not worth it to me.
  2. I cant believe the media going around, pointing out in links to coverage about game of thrones that their was a huge massacre. I mean, WTF, thats a huge spoiler.
  3. If they include the yaw and pitch using your feet, that would make it like jacking off three invisible dicks... Looks like a winner to me. Also, I hope they make it so that you can stall out.
  4. Whats the deal with everone wanting zombies in a gta game? seems gimmicky to me. I was also kinda dissapointed that RDR's only DLC was the zombie story, seems like they could have done a lot more with that. Did the game not sell well?
  5. Qdeathstar


    They said only over a local network only.
  6. Would like a decent duke 3d game. Also a modern rpg that makes use of random terrain generation to allow for endless maps.
  7. Bear as in hairy gay man? He almost got it in, but pothatuu's hole was too tight.
  8. Kinda looks like it might a a duke nukem spoof. The atomic symbols and the guy kinda looks like duke, though that reference would be dated. Maybe the expendables.
  9. The only thing i cant place now that i think about it is the scene from the first trailer where the three hikers are hiking... The mountains in the background looked massive..
  10. /me touches I would like a touching minigame. WIth fingless gloves, please. For the most part, yeah. But I still want more, because I'm holding out for a game that does it right. RDR was close, because people were defending their settlements and whatnot, but I'm waiting for a game that takes it further. I want to survive, not play an FPS with zombies. I can't remember the title, but someone was working on a downloadable game (might have been 360 exclusive, unfortunately) where you had to find supplies like food and fortifications for your base, and find survivors to help the base grow into a community, amidst a zombie apocalypse. That's the kind of game I want. I want the zombies to be an obstacle, but I want survival to be the focus. I spent a lot of time roleplaying in Undead Nightmare, gathering imaginary supplies, finding safe places to camp out, saving towns. It was a lot of fun. Also, Thieves' Landing was the safest town in the game. I spent a lot of time looking around every inch of the place, thinking about where fortifications and barriers should be, etc. Still waiting, game industry. Still waiting... I think that kinda of gameplay has been lost to the ages. It too slow and tedious for the mass market which wants the instant gratification of blowing off a zombies head and shitting down it's neck. RPG's are going to be RPGFPS hybrids from now on, unless you're talking about a small indie-developer. At least in fallout you can pretend, though the gouls don't really roam or attack outside of their cages.
  11. Yep ... Tried clearing data, no luck It only happens on the iPhone, not the ipad...
  12. Nah, i was just doing it from an angle watching it through my ipad. Tough work.