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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. http://www.ebay.com/itm/ROCKSTAR-PROMO-KEYRING-KEYCHAIN-GRAND-THEFT-AUTO-IV-III-V-PS1-PS2-PS3-XBOX-360-/330925817904?pt=UK_VideoGames_Merchandise_RL&hash=item4d0cb74030 Bought one, thanks
  2. That's a nice thought, but not really practical. Do you know the economic impact of not being able to have safe access to the Suez Canal, for example? There's no reason to believe the Suez Canal would be closed off to Europeans due to the repatriation of foreigners. . Not closed, but not safe. The middle east would be be in an state of continuos war, like africa. Pirates would run rampant. At they very least port fees would go up, similar to the way opec sets oil prices.
  3. That's a nice thought, but not really practical. Do you know the economic impact of not being able to have safe access to the Suez Canal, for example? Viceman was talking about more Muslims than just these two.... Hey, I agree. But none of that is the "politicians fault". I was merely point out to viceman that the politicians aren't the only ones to blame. @cheezit re don't blame the religion, blame people. Religion isn't a gun, it's an idea created by people, and there's no reason to seperate the two. Apes don't go to church on Sunday...
  4. If anyone has the r* keychain from the gta 4 special edition I got $25 on that... Or if you know where I can buy one... The one I had wore out 6 months ago and I was hoping gta 5 would bring more keychains
  5. On one hand I'm sure 150 isn't worth it, on the other hand it's gta...
  6. I think that they used o give the map away for free... Now they are charging for it... Preorder to fly the blimp, com' on ea-star....
  7. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    Poor dog . I hope he is OK
  8. Yeah, viceman, your right it is all the politicians fault. I'm sure that shunning people who appear to be "extremists" and complaining about how much they "breed" is about all you can do personally to help muslims integrate into our societies. But yeah, definately politicians.
  9. Im guessing impulse, fueled by drugs. It takes no skill to chop someone up, just rage. Extremest islamists havn't infiltrated the United States. Fort hood and boston were done by privileged cunts who happened to be muslim and were just using extremism as an excuse. Im not sure what happened in the UK, but this just seems like the typical honky shit you would see in any city in the united states, with the exception that we guns, and a lot of them, in the united states. A beheading is a whole lot more sensational than a drive bye.
  10. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    500gb sounded light, till I realized the game didnt have built in dvr
  11. But I just downloaded it for Xbox live...
  12. Qdeathstar


    It's not really an rpg in the historical sense... It's like an rpg/ fps shooter... You can beat the storyline in 4.5 hours, you can beat the game in 120 hours, it just depends on how you play the game. I got 122 hrs on my 2nd fallout nv file... Had around 90 on my first... I was playing nv for 6 months straight, well worth the 60, even when compared to gta. I played skyrim but after the first 30 hours it kinda went bleh....
  13. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    I think you can probably pass anything through it, so you can connect your ps4 to the xbox one, dupzor I can see it now "your tv will start in 30 seconds" ads that start once you swap to live tv.
  14. Qdeathstar


    I dont know. I think the brotherhood are more likely to underestimate the threat posed from the legion, because they brotherhood are tech whores who rely entirely on tech, and they legion have no tech. If you dont respect your enemy you are likely to make mistakes. Also, legionares are fighting for their God... Kinda a different level of passion. Finally, i think that against the brotherhood, the legion would get a lot of support from wastelanders who fear tech and the destruction it brought... Ofc, if the ncr and brotherhood teamed up, i guess it would be pretty difficult...
  15. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    "Xbox One does not provide any built-in DVR capabilities, but on your Xbox One console you will be able to access and use your cable or satellite set-top box DVR service via HDMI pass-through," they explained. In addition, to utilize the live TV features demoed by Microsoft, you'll need a "supported receiver device with HDMI output." And as expected, "to access live TV content from many of the top networks in the US, consumers still need a cable, telco or satellite subscription." Ugh,
  16. Nope. Mythbusters did a special on it.... Even large caliber rounds only pierced the water 2-3 ft. Water isnt compressible. * slower weapons travel 8ft under water http://mythbustersresults.com/episode34
  17. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    Yeah you have to pay a fee to use Pre-Owned games whereas with Sony you don't. Xbox One's Memory is 8 Gigabytes DDR3 compared to PS4's 8 Gigabytes of lightning fast DDR5. Also the PS4's GPU is better....... But I can see how you would get the Xbox............ I like the entertainment integration... The specs are all rumors, i thought?
  18. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    So far, if had to choose now, id be leaning xbox All depends on the $$$$
  19. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    Overall, it is interesting. I just think all these features are going to require a lot of subscriptions, and different multiple ones. I kinda liked the xbox presentation better. Games were not draw dropping though.
  20. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    Who cares how many xbox live servers they have?
  21. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    Wholly shit photons.