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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    Gaming, but When the guy said "xbox on" my xbox paused the video 900 was flashing on the price is right.... Wonder if thats the price XD The voice thing is cool, but i have never gotten a voice activated device to actually work...
  2. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    Yeah, i got you on the competition thing. But, im buying my next gaming console based in how well it plays games, not on if can incorporate bing and windows 8. I got a pc's that i never use, for that... Im watching it now so we'll see how it goes. Looks like to me they werent quite ready for a reveal. Also, so much for getting rid of E3... They guy speaking dont look like he has ever touched a video game in his life talks like it too Oooh, an all seeying eye.
  3. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    What time does it start est?
  4. Qdeathstar


    Forgot to say thanks for posting the video, dupz
  5. They would have said watch but they didn't want to support the growing irrelevance of print, being a magazine company.
  6. Qdeathstar


    Looks to be a box. Meh. Not sexy enough.
  7. Scary. Kinda reminds me of the brain from pinky and the brian, imo.
  8. Qdeathstar

    XBOX One

    I hope they show the console
  9. Qdeathstar


    Id consider buying a worn ncr jacket, if i thought i could pull of the look... Sadly, i dont think so.
  10. I really think it looks good on you bones... The beard stops you from looking like hipster and the bright colors get rid of your face's natural monotone drab.
  11. Guys, why do you think the three rivers will reach out to the surrounding ocean? We seen waterfalls heading back into the center of the map, and unless the ocean is higher than the center of the map (highly unrealistic, and would look strange), water would have to flow upwards somewhere, unless the ocean is gonna be tilted...
  12. Treefitty, a lot of apartment buildings take up a block... 3 or 4 apartment buildings inside of a square, with four roads surrounding them... The buildings would be similar, but the roads, and possible rail lines would be different, Also @ gunny.
  13. Did you ask him what he thinks of my tits? I suspect he'll have the same reaction as trevor.
  14. I think cleveland might be too much of a shithole for a gta game.... Too real.
  15. I think you misread what i said, bones. But i always use kotaku.
  16. The only jobs i can think of that are full on beard appropriate are truckers and loggers...
  17. The opening themesong for this show is almost unbearable...
  18. No, it is difficult, because the screen isnt the same size as the pad, and looking up at the screen while drawing on a pad is arkward ...