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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Only place ipb has to start a forum is in apc
  2. She was arrested for creating a fake profile? Did she report it to police as being real? Either way, she is an attention whore... and the writer of that article is also an attention whore. I also don't care for his writing style. It is TOO jittery.
  3. We got a badass over here. ? I know i'm going it up to rockstar's home and beating the shit out of them if my HOUSE IN LOS SANTOS ISNT IN THE RIGHT SPOT. Don't hate, you might be next.
  4. I'm talking about on foot. Kinda like on skyrm, its annoying hitting the imaginary walls on the way up the mountain.
  5. Gods will be done fine sir. Whatever answers you seek can be found in the Epsilon Tracts, released when you are ready.
  6. There was a jail in GTA 4, i never visited it.... except maybe if it was in a mission. I flew over it once.
  7. Looking at the mountains, i think that GTA 5 will have a lot of imaginary walls when walking on the terrain, because the mountains look too steep to be accessible by foot, or atleast to steep to have anything intresting on them.
  8. Qdeathstar

    The Sims

    I just dont see the excitement it playing a game whose goals include getting married and makin babies.
  9. Los Santos has got to be smaller than Liberty City though, it would make sense. Why?
  10. They said the game was 3.5 times the size of rdr landwise, so i dont think based on the shots there is a whole lot of extra space that hasnt been accounted for. Los santos looks like the entire liberty city...
  11. Fallout related, i would like a wait option, so i can advance past night time.
  12. Lies. Its all propaganda by the guvenment,
  13. I like rape eyes. The are sooo cute and passionate. What kinda job is it ? Also, IMO your way hotter with the full beard.
  14. I heard the used a nice font, and the uses the bank note border as the magazine... As well as a life sized pop up of Trevor's dick.
  15. How is irrelevant, just buy the damn magazine.
  16. Depends on which group of poor people you are talking about, beatnik. Although only would be an exaggeration, globalization is probably the best way for overall economic growth.
  17. @GTAgrl No one is jumping down massacre's throat. His statements are incorrect and group think is a recipe for failure.
  18. Wow, i think i see rape eye in there. Maybe a jewish trever.
  19. You said "a kid in average shape" Of course, if you have a superhuman athletic ability you don't need to train your entire life, but thats far from "average" as you say. Also, excuse me for assuming average meant anyone who was average.
  20. I don't believe that you really think anyone can become a professional athlete. If you're not a troll you must be an imbecile. I know you are not an imbecile, therefore you must be a troll. A boy and his dog vs game of thrones vs prince of thorns.... Which should i read next?
  21. I love pretzel bread sandwiches Not a big fan of beer brats , however