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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. You think you could have been Adrian Peterson?
  2. Ok troll... There is no way you can tell me that as an highschool student, had i worked really hard and went to college and played football, that at the end of 5 years I could be the next Adrian Peterson.
  3. You are admiring their creativity, not creating something yourself.
  4. Because they're doing jack shit. I can spend my life becoming the world's greatest Frisbee thrower, doesn't mean I deserve to be paid for it. And you don't need to train your whole life to be a professional athlete. A kid in average shape could start exercising his senior year of high school, play football in college, and be good enough to play in the NFL before he's even graduated. Then why doesnt everyone do that and make millions??? At a base level, ignoring everything else I said about teamwork, ect, they provide entertainment. I value my entertainment. I value it higher than "jack shit" so they do something more than "jack shit", troll. When I immerse myself in Liberty City, when I walk past the pedestrians mashing the keys of their phones, when I laugh at the satire that the Housers cooked up, when I relish the stress release that comes from mowing down mobsters and other evildoers, I sit in awe of the fact that I'm taking in nothing more than lines of code, created by human minds. I can only dream of creating a masterpiece like the Grand Theft Auto series. Thats not creativity. Its admiration.
  5. Nope. You are wrong. How does gta inspire creativity?
  6. Also, all the greatest minds in the world are super rich, so... That book is liberal cuntism. They provide aspiration. Also, they provide an example of what teamwork can accomplish. They glorify physical activity which encourages kids to be physical and get fit. Finally, the world would be a drab place without entertainment. What do video game producers do? Or authors of fiction? Certainly nothing more than an athlete.
  7. He is an eduated person making a lot of money. Not an athelete. Also, I think he wrote a book or two. So he is an author. He's not making bank being president. Those athletes have trained their entire life to perform at an elite level. They spend more hours working on their craft than anyone. Why shouldn't they get paid?
  8. All you can eat pancakes from ihop.
  9. Warren buffet, bill gates, allen greenspan, president clinton, president obama, judge judy, dr phill, dr drew, oprah winfrey, mark zuckerburg, wolf blitzer, carl icahn, steve jobs.. And those are just off the top of my head.
  10. Except there are a lot more doctors, investment bankers, and engineers than professional atheletes...
  11. I read in the kotaku preview that peds were fishing....
  12. With thinks moving rapidly towards streaming, and bandwidth costs being what they are... I dont see 4k tv's being that popular for a long time.
  13. Left handed, but i do lots a shit with my right hand.
  14. My brother tried it and he said it gave him a really bad headache.
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Synthetic_cannabis
  16. Yep, a couple of soldiers based at nas oceana died from it and thats what caused it to get baned.
  17. Hmm. Ruh roh. The first picture does say taken by ben river, and rivers name is river....
  18. I don't know why they don't do like an infinite desert or random terrain generation on parts of the map.