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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. I played the first on for about 20 minutes. Didn't like it and shipped it back to gamefly.
  2. I predict one of the major heists will require us to hijack and/or sink a ship, scuba dive to it and retrieve some sort of loot.
  3. He didnt have a choice, he was traded.
  4. http://m.nbcnews.com/technology/ingame/fans-sue-over-aliens-game-bears-little-resemblance-its-preview-6C9726434 Basically, a group of gamers are suing gearbox because the aliens game that was released awhile ago did not meet their standards. They said that the game was falsely marketed and that gearbox forced online publishers to write flowery previews. The game ultimately was shit, and now the gamers are suing, I think this is a very interesting case because it sets precedents going foward. What kinda of limits are impost on game marketing? What is "marketing" vs statements of fact or explanation of features, how accountable are video game publishes for giving an accurate description of their products? I think that this is the type of court case thats a sleeper for the gaming industry but that could have huge implications depending on the outcome. I mean, imagine if people where able to sue/demand refunds for CD's because they bought them based on a single, but then the rest of the songs were terrible?
  5. Thats a pretty big white ship behind the pier, might be a cruise ship. It looks like its moving/not docked.
  6. Yeah, they call it spice here, but its already been banned.
  7. Whoan nigguz. I just woke up from a crazy dream. Me and my family were heading to china for vacation. We where on a large ferry, almost like a cruise boat, and it was dusk. Anyway, we were staring out the window and therr was another cruise ship in front of us and we were wondering how it was going to get out f the harbor because thee ground was shallow. It suddenly started moving full steam ahead. Then, all of a sudden and to my surpise we started moving, following the ship.( i didnt know we were on a ship until we started moving) We road a long the city scape then JUMP We are in a subway and it is rather empty but we grt to the next stop and a lot of people get on and now mot seats are filled, but nowt all them. A someone as her leg propped up on the seat in front of her, and a fat black woman who was sitting in the seat in front of her got up and called her a stupid bitch and moved seats.. JUMP. I had to make a phone call so i went up to a pay phone. For what ever reason, i didnt put any change in put picked it up and got a dial tone. I dialed a number, but instead of makeing the call the "operator" voice (the one that says "please deposit 10 cent) kept giving me weird semi threatening messages. I decided to take the payphone home. JUMP The payphone was attached to the front of my house. I picked it up but the operator would still make semi threatening messages. Also, when i made a call, the drive way would turn red and purple, like if it was some sorta on screen display for the operator. I asked my mom if they seen the colors on the drive way and told them to listen to the phone with me, but she heard or saw nothing. I was growing increasingly concerned becuase the operator was making increasingly scarier threats. I finally used the pay phone to call 911. When i did, a photograph of a stereotpyical photograph of a family appeared on the driveway (not mine) and i woke up.
  8. Nice eye, also... Looks like the infrastructure in los santos will be a lot more realistic. Ive always found gta's interstate systems to be lackluster, but so far gta 5's highways seem fully fleshed out..
  9. How fucking dispointing. Im literally sick after the last episode i watched. Season 1 episode before finale. Yuck.
  10. You know, you can make the website display random images without making people refresh..
  11. Sure. Cut pat white, sign tebow, play him as a rb for blocking and the occasional trick play. But, nah, sign him for practice and as back up for curt cousins if rg3 isnt ready to go w1... He has got to be better that pat white. No guaranteed money and if rg3 is ready just cut him preseason
  12. Hmm, i thought it was some sort of hbo thing... I know cinemax was famous for its afterdark offerings.
  13. Oh, relax. I can deal with it. Im just saying it is unnecessary and i think it undercuts the shows merit. Good shows dont usually whore it up.
  14. This show is good, but i wish it wasnt so whorish. When im in the mood for porn, i want porn... This softcore shit is distracting. The whole scene with the two whores and the guy when he is discussing the history of things and the whores fisting each other... Meh.