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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. would you like a belly rub? Wont go above the crease or below the waste, scouts honor.
  2. Well, the government is controlled by rich people. In the form of lobbies. Theres no need for a secret illuminati underground. But, even if there was, im not understanding how killing off customers is good for business. Especially since once you are caught your fucked via endless liability,
  3. Gold members can delete their own posts, non golds cant. Im not sure why you would be seeing the button though. He posted it in the mod forums...
  4. Oh. Really, you thought you would get something better than that? Hmm. O.o
  5. Im wondering why you asked him about the illuminati..
  6. Death, can i make a website, and write on it that anal sex followed by oral sex prevents cancer? And then you can go on here and debate with us about how ass to mouth is healthy.
  7. i didnt say "companies", i said THIS company.. what do you think is more? them profiting from people who buy products, or them being paid by the gov (who owns money) for doing dirty work? this is the company that has done things like building combat for wars, they not worrying about small change also this company is getting rid of all organic foods (you obviously dont know their power and wealth), just read the link i posted.. Where did you get your doctorate degree in "knowing a lot about how the world works" because i'd like to get a degree in "knowing just enough to perform a heart transplant"
  8. I think organic stuff is higher quality because its fresher (no preservatives precipitates this) and since they are charging more for it, you get the highest grades of the product your buying...
  9. No you dumb fuck, its not. Companies arent set for life, they go out of business every day. Sex and Candy.
  10. My thing is: 1. These companies sell things to living people. 2. If these companies kill the people they sell too, they'll have less customers, less profit. 3. Your gonna die of something.
  11. Nothing wrong with voting for yourself if you think yours is the best, imo. I voted for dupz though. I only have like 10 topics on the front page of the asylum, less than half so idk what ur trolling at sir.
  12. Agent orange makes people turn orange? Neat,
  13. You could just flip the map, hard to tell up from down based on the screen shots..
  14. Hey, so what are the twelve goals? Im assuming since they were in gta san andreas they already are known?
  15. I dont think ive ever seen firefighters in virginia beach use extension ladders to put out fires...
  16. I also thoroughly enjoyed Django Unchained. And I got a favorite new song -- Who Did That To You Its killer. My favorite scene from the movie is the bar scene early in the movie. Epicness. I think that scene served to develop the germans character, he wasnt just using Django, felt compassion for every race, ect. It also showed how determined Django was to get his girl back.... Very important scene imo. I personally think Django made the wrong choice but the slave made his choice and chose to run i guess...