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Everything posted by Qdeathstar

  1. Draft is lackluster this year... Meh. Also my team (redskins) doesnt pick till 50 overall.. So, meh,
  2. Im in the market for a large bong.... Not for myself personally, though.
  3. Qdeathstar


    They are all good, but dead money and old world blues are my favorite, with honest hearts being my least favorite.
  4. Im cool with the way it stands, so its only gonna be top two next time then... I think 2 v 2 v 2, then one final three way would have been the way to go. Maybe next time
  5. Sony wouldn't be able to use the GTA 5 logo without permission, and they wouldn't make that big of a screwup.
  6. Could be for anything, seems like a tryout to me because it says "please fill out the info below so we contact you in the future" wait a minute, theres something wrong with that...
  7. My favorite cat women was the one from batman forever... Movie sucked, but she almost made up for it..
  8. Qdeathstar


    Point look out kinda sucked, IMO.
  9. I could make an anonymous one if you prefer, craze.
  10. Cuda, why dont you go back to eating drunken teenage pussy and hanging out with the "dudes" in the wieght room pumping each other "up"?
  11. Phatpimp was a bitch. Fuck that punk.
  12. my entry. Bronson kissing Brian, Qd anal raping Dupz0r, Bones super excited, and then we have luis filling in the gap.
  13. Is the evil my penis? or a penis?!
  14. It depends on how long the commercial is, treefitty. I've rented my arial lift to commercial production companies for filming and they said they turn these videos out in about a week of two.. But they were just recording car lots without a lot of action and no special effects...
  15. Is it some big anniversary for rockstar games comming up, could be for all their major titles...
  16. The jungally stuff could be for a country side area that they are going to fix in post.. They could also modify the colors of the cop cars in post, though that seems needlessly complicated Stuff like this is expensive just for a fake but the pointless gta 5 logo seems like something they wouldn't have when trying to keep it dl.... Someone could have shopped the gta logo though...
  17. Dunno, dont we have enough of that crap already.. Intergration of social club would be ok, but i dont want to have friend franklin on facebrick in order to join him on a mission...
  18. 3 more weeks of classes then I'm full time into that