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Everything posted by Dude

  1. I don't think the guy will be married. Possibly divorced, but a married man would mean that there's no girlfriends and stuff. Too many restrictions.
  2. Well where would you suggest, is there a part of the world where expert games testers reside? I answered it in the next sentence. In other words, I don't know. But is that where you believe expert game testers live? I think there might be expert game testers in Tokyo. They are experts on technology.
  3. RV parking seems like a great possibility to me.
  4. I probably wouldn't go to house parties anyway, I don't really see the point in having them.
  5. I don't know if it's real or not, I only hope we'll get a new trailer soon.
  6. I tried to skateboard as a child but I didn't do anything than trying to move forward. I was, and probably still am, too scared of hurting myself. (I know I'm a pussy alright)
  7. I like me a beer when the work is done Actually only in weekends, I don't even work anyway
  8. No, because they are in the eurozone we can't let that happen, basically their debts will be devalued. That costs a lot of money because we'll have to print new euro's and shit. Obligations would probably disappear also, which means people won't get any money anymore when they retire. In my head this all makes sense, I just don't possess the ability to write my thoughts down
  9. Euro collapse will happen. Not sure when, but it will. The rich northern countries aren't prepared to accept eurobonds, because that would mean interests on obligations would go up for them. Those eurobonds are necessary to save Europe though. Now the Netherlands and Germany, together with some other countries keep putting money in Greece (and soon maybe Italy and Spain?) which, I hope I'm wrong, is a bottomless pitt. So we'll either lose a lot of money, or we'll even lose more. That's my objective (dutch) point of view
  10. I voted yes, because I think it should be legalized everywhere. But in the Netherlands its legal anyways, so I don't really care
  11. This one was posted just after the announcement of the GTA 5 trailer. It's bullshit
  12. Yeah right, he didn't want to do anything for half a year but when his daddy started telling about GTA 5 he suddenly arose and heaven opened. Fuck this
  13. Dude


    I'd never take one. People would look at me, and I'm afraid of people
  14. I thought Ron Paul was that pornstar with the huge penis, but apparently he is a politician..
  15. Hello. I signed up to this site about two weeks ago. I was introduced to GTA when I was about 8, I think. That was GTA 2, after that I bought Vice City at some point, then San Andreas and finally IV. Now I'm 19 years old and live in the Netherlands. I lived in Logandale, NV for a year as an exchange student. I'm still in High School.
  16. That would be awesome, just go to a crowd and pull out your RPG. That also gave me an idea, maybe a record of how many people you could kill in one minute? or 2 etc... Then after a reasonably difficult but not impossible amount you could get a trophy. In my head I heard 'Kill Frenzy' when I read this post
  17. What would happen if there are more people with the right date? Just wondering because I saw some people picked the same date as I did: October 23, 2012
  18. I don't really expect the 2nd trailer to be released this year, I hope it will be released this year though.
  19. I want to be able to drive from city to city without constantly being in a city. So, basically there should be nature. And there will be. GTA V will be awesome
  20. I live in a small village in the Netherlands, about two hours from Amsterdam. Which is the other side of the country basically. That's what it's like here. No interesting places at all. Not a lot of pictures on google either. Weed is legal though, and so are hookers. But they are nowhere to be found out here.
  21. In the comments section below the trailer of Rockstars official Youtube channel someone said the guy talking is Ned Luke, and the guy posted the IMDb link to it. He's 53 years old. Doesn't mean this is all true though.