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Everything posted by 1970Stang

  1. im hoping for some saint row crazy ass weapons that like suck people up and shoot cats (cuz cats r gay and dogs rule) also some awesome call of duty zombie type of weapons like the lighting things and the thunder gun that would make my year
  2. We'll definitely have some new official news by Christmas, hopefully some Screens, no trailer until late January, probably mid February. The next trailer will show some of the actual story line, and less of the landscape. they know (rockstar) that the biggest thing that most fans want to know about it the actual landscape of the new San Andreas and they will for sure keep that a secret for the third or fourth trailer
  3. any kind of small, classic pony car, like a 66 mustang and the original camaro. not something huge like the sabre gt or the stallion. those were muscle cars
  4. Please, Please, PLEASE have one for jumping from one skyscraper ( Not building but huge tower) to another that would be awesome. hell it would be awesome just to do that.
  5. hopefully not, I reeeeeeeeaaaaalllllllllly don't want to wait a whole year to see the gta instalment :/
  6. NO, Never, Please. it would ruin the fun of driving for everyone
  7. I Really hope for a desert like the one is SA, i loved it...
  8. I loved Niko with a passion. loved CJ to, but i felt like i was niko. it was a john mardsen dying kind of moment when kate/roman died at the end because i felt soo bad for niko. i felt that it was a part of my life that was dying. niko all the way, loved his background, personality, voice and everything that made him who he is.
  9. the colour scheme of the map will not be like that. what we have to realize is that this is no longer a gta 3 era game, that ended in 2008. gta 4 was a game changer with RAGE; it was a the start of the 4th generation. The colour scheme of the map will most definitely be black and grey like that of liberty city, no doubt. this looks cheezy and old.
  10. i wanna blow shit up, not big stuff like a building, but i want to go in a park, stick c4 on a gazebo, or a cement archway or something and blow it to pieces ...
  11. I really enjoyed the drinking with my buds in gta4 and then (trying) to drive home. I would be disappointed if they removed the getting drunk and driving part of the game