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About Fryman

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  • Birthday 07/03/1989

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    Mojave Wasteland


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  1. GET OUT.Yes, Pawn let's just scare off another female member because this place is obviously just full of them... <_< You reek of despretness You reek of horrible spelling. Fuck off. You still reek of it, don't get mad buddy its ok. Go find some internet chicks!
  2. GET OUT.Yes, Pawn let's just scare off another female member because this place is obviously just full of them...<_< You reek of despretness
  3. Mine just left Kentucky, they shipped it next day air, it was ready on the 14th but they didn't send until late 15th so keep your hope up its guaranteed Scratch that its already in Houston, ill be getting it first thing in the morning
  4. You would think that shim would be ok with some mangling of body parts
  5. I got the email from R* that my CE has been shipped, sweet mamma jamma!
  6. I hope there is a flying cheat to make cars and boats fly, get in the submarine and fly away. I didn't like the cheats being in the phone in IV especially when I was running from the cops then I get shot and have to pull it back up, either way is fine just not a fan of the phone
  7. Could have fooled me every post is the same, just in different words
  8. Yep, and it said I'd receive another email when they ship it. I noticed the zip code wrong and have sent 2 different slips on it Also the money is gone from my account from ADS Rockstar games I've been trying to find a number to call to get it sorted out so I don't have to worry
  9. I hope so, I've been billed that's why I'm on their ass about getting it to me on time ahh well, good luck! Hopefully we both get ours on time
  10. Gas anyone got the confirmation from R* about their shipment being sent, they have my zip wrong and I don't want to get my CE Late!. I can still go pick up my regular game from gamestop but I'm really looking forward to the CE