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Everything posted by Ginginho

  1. Yep - the rear axle doesn't appear to be connected to the rest of the bike either...
  2. Shady character... Skyline... Green... They even remembered New Zealand... Late 50's vibe meh...
  3. Is this favourite colour league going to end like last years FML?
  4. I am really enjoying the books of Tim Dorsey... Serge Storms is possibly one of the greatest characters ever created... Florida sounds like an interesting place...
  5. For those who enjoy statistics, an NZ professor has applied statistical modelling to predict who will die in the final books... real fans might find this interesting... Me, I'm just bored...
  6. Will next gen graphics make a difference to the colours? If so, I will retract my vote until I've played the PS4 version....
  7. End of the pier... Crucified... Front end of an Infernus... Foggy day... Car...
  8. Black and white signs... Glowing sign... I love this one... Light night, crescent moon... Meanwhile, at the liquor market... No country for ginger fucks... Train...
  9. Ginginho


    I had considered Victor's - thanks
  10. Ginginho


    What can I use as a safehouse for loot collecting very early in the game, if there is one?
  11. Ginginho


    Finally started New Vegas... 3 hours later and I have just left the Doctor's office... Good bye real life, hello Mojave Wasteland...
  12. Walking on water... Bleak and foggy.... Lighthouse... Near the lighthouse... Silhouette tree... And another...
  13. I got a crew if anyone wants to rock red... Otara Honkies.
  14. City scape... Day break in the hills... And a bit later... Cars.... for some reason, my personalised plate was stripped from the cars in my second garage... again, these look a shit load better on my tv...
  15. I did the "reset" thing last night as well but I got to re-select my character and my stats are unchanged... You stats are fucked on the Social Club too.... Any chance you switched characters by mistake and are playing with one you created but never really used?
  16. Trees... This looked way better on my tv... Chillin' in the hood...
  17. Every time I start a new session, my sniper ammo is maxed out....
  18. I'll probably upgrade from 360 to PS4 - I hope i can carry my stats over as well as my existing CE exclusives....