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Everything posted by Ginginho

  1. I estimate that I've made around $1m from stealing and selling Gallivanter Ballers - wish I could buy shares in the company....
  2. Congratulations!! When I saw her photo, I thought to myself "That looks like Siobhan" but I don't know anyone named Siobhan....
  3. My new haircut was so eye-boggling... That my eyes fell out.... I wanna go to Vice City.....
  4. Because everyone's gonna have a suit this weekend - yours is still the only armless character I've seen...
  5. I wonder what happens when I use a shark card to buy the car, then haw to sell it back when the next dlc pack comes out.... I only got a 10 car garage... I just checked the Social Club and that car can't be sold apparently.... but it says that about super cars too... I think I will give it a miss - can't afford it
  6. I bought a vape but hardly use it. The high takes a while to come on and I am too used to instant relief... I use the method Otiz mentioned - hot knifes and little balls of weed (spots) with the smoke sucked up a flute... wrecks your lungs and throat but for me is the quickest and most cost effective way for me to maintain my habit...
  7. Ginginho


    Is there somewhere I can get the schematics for free? My barter skill is pretty poor and I dont have many caps.... I don't really want to kill any traders either.... Another random question. If I steal something and nobody sees me, do they know I have stolen something?? I know I get negative Karma but do I get hassled if there are no witnesses?
  8. Ginginho


    Thanks guys Massacre, for DLC I have Broken Steel, The Pitt and Point Lookout... At the moment I am keeping all the weapons and armour/clothing I can and trading just about everything else. I tend to get overloaded so drop what seems like useless stuff like plates and cups in bundles around the Wasteland. Now I have been to Arefu, I am using the West residence as a sort of base and have started dumping my excess there... I wish I had the time to give this game the time it deserves because I have a feeling I will still be on my first play through by this time next year... I am only Level 3 - should I be taking on Supermutants yet? My first experience with them suggests not... Thanks for the advice - I am sure I will be back for more... Don't worry about spoilers
  9. I have given the thumbs up to a few of these pics on the Social Club site but it doesn't seem to register....
  10. I am still grinding to fill my garage so will welcome heists or anything that might accelerate that... but yeah, once you have the cars you want and all the weapons, there isn't much left to spend your cash on...
  11. Ginginho


    Been getting into Fallout 3 lately as GTAO has become a bit of a grind.... 10 hours spent in the Wasteland so far - yet to complete a side quest, let alone continuing the story... I need some inventory control advice - What should I be keeping? What should I be selling? Where can I stash things I want to keep but can't carry?
  12. Le Bron with a last minute home run for the Red Wings... Seattle - defence usually wins out in big games...
  13. I have been wanting to watch some old Pride fights - got any links? There used to be all the events in full on Megavideo (fuck you FBI) but yeah....
  14. Hemp probably - our government is too short sighted to allow it to be grown here...
  15. Anyone keen for a session this weekend? I have Monday off so am available Sunday night EST (26 Jan) or indeed any other time over the weekend....
  16. Looks like auditions for Michael Jackson's Thriller video... zombie dance off..
  17. Sweet - were you shaken up much the other day?
  18. My new project - Faces of Los Santos - different frames because I kept forgetting the one I had just used...
  19. I agree with the meth analogy... I am about over GTAO (grinding for cash is losing it's fun, being on the wrong console in the wrong timezone doesn't help) but I keep loading the pipe up... I need someone to save me by telling me how great Fallout 3 is - I need to change my addiction...
  20. Welcome fellow Kiwi - which part of Godzone do you reside?
  21. Are we voting for the ugliest? Otherwise, no vote.
  22. Ginginho

    GTAO Wishlist

    I want all the missions I have unlocked to be available from the Jobs menu. Sick of ringing the guys up and waiting for the one mission I want/need to do...