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Everything posted by Ginginho

  1. Epic - love the way you caught the rocket being launched...
  2. A few observations about racing solo... Since one of the patches, you have been able to earn cash while racing solo. Now racing solo sounds pretty lame and yeah, I am, but for serious racers it can be used to scope tracks, test short cuts and best racing lines. I have found that the pay outs seem to be related to the time taken to complete the race rather than your performance. These seem consistent, regardless of the race or the settings but I can't be bothered getting scientific about it. I also don't know if your current rank affects them either. I am currently at rank 69 (hehe) and I race solo with traffic on, current time and weather and wanted level off. I get the following payouts. Time taken - up to 2 minutes RP awarded - under 1000 (usually 700) Cash awarded - $518 Time taken - between 2 and 4 minutes RP awarded - just over 1000 (usually 1065) Cash awarded - $1,215 Time taken - between 4 and 6 minutes RP awarded - around 1500 to 2200 Cash awarded - $2,078 Time taken - between 6 and 8 minutes RP awarded - just over 2000 Cash awarded - $2,768 Time taken - over 8 minutes RP awarded - just over 2000 Cash awarded - $3,458 These limits are pretty set too. I have completed a race in 3:55 and received $1,215 and then did the same race again, finishing in 4:03 and I got $2,078. I have found that the pay outs don't increase after that but I haven't fully tested that. I think you also might get a bit more cash and RP if you are doing the race for the first time but I have done them all at least once.
  3. I have a PS3 but it doesn't run well so didn't get the game for it on the off chance it would be subpar... I would get the game just for the crew events but I don't know if I could be bothered grinding a new character up to a reasonable level of RP and cash again.... I wonder if R* could transfer my character across consoles....
  4. I am studying towards a business degree at the moment - one paper a semester because I am lazy and I am only doing it because it was a condition of a promotion at work and they are paying for it... If you have the money, I would recommend taking a year off before college to actually go out and live life... Get outside your comfort zone and try things that are different... You will have a better understanding of how life really is and will give you ideas about what is really important and what to aim for... As to what to study, I don't know.... I am biased against the banking and finance industries (hate the cunts) but that is where you can make the most money, I reckon... But aim for enjoyment. You don't work a day in your life if you really enjoy what you do....
  5. I will be on nightly from about 3am EST for all you early risers.....
  6. The police riot van - perfect for 5 star travel... You and a friend cause mischief resulting in an epic police chase into the countryside. Backed into a corner, you jump out to make your last stand..... and then promptly knock your friend out with the butt of your rifle because he got too close while aiming.... Ruins your Butch and Sundance moment...
  7. About to load my van up for the weekend.... (thanks for the plate DiO!!)
  8. Are you going to be on this weekend Gunny? We should hook up... Ran into beatnicpie the other day but he was too good for me...
  9. Last time i checked gta 5 costs 60 dollars, xbox online costs 60 a year... Its not free. Fair enough but I got that value from the single player game and the Live subscription is not solely for GTAO.... I was never going to buy extra cash either... I am actually surprised I enjoy GTAO so much - being a casual gamer, I guess I am easily pleased...
  10. I never got any gifts nor did I duplicate cars. I only started playing once they nerfed everything. If it wasn't for the $500k R* gift, my character would probably still be living in his free garage. It has been a grind for sure but I still enjoy it. I would enjoy it more if I could find a regular group of non-randoms to max a lobby out with but even by myself or with a couple of mates there is enough to keep me playing. Sure they could make a number of improvements, which I am sure will come, once they sort out the issues caused by hackers and stuff. I don't really see how you can moan about a FREE game...
  11. ^^Ace did a couple of entertaining road trip journals that were in that vein... A couple of ideas... The igtA Team - if you have a problem, if no-one else will help, and if you can find them, then maybe you can hire the igtA Team... The Adventures of The Dirty Jackal - an anti-hero who could be the main character in the story Rob suggested... or a different story altogether... I am happy to help out where I can but am on the wrong console...
  12. Who controls the past now controls the future Who controls the present now controls the past Who controls the past now controls the future Who controls the present now?
  13. Have you guys ever thought of turning your shenanigans into a comic strip? It is an idea I have had for a while but lack the skills and online friends to do properly... Basically, come up with a theme or story outline, story board it, take the relevant Snapmatics then shop them with speech and/or thought bubbles. Put them together in order and publish them... I haven't seen anything similar (not that I have really looked) and I think it would be pretty cool if it was done well...
  14. @cuda I agree with your post. I don't know if I would read the new book only because it was Jorg's story I was interested in, not so sure about anything peripheral... I got who the Dead King was about halfway through the last book from the necromancers story... there was a subtle hint. I felt I understood the story but probably missed some of the symbolism.... Not sure if I liked the ending. I am going to read the series again.... In the meantime, I have read Paul Di'Anno's autobiography, The Beast.... That guy is either an epic liar or he has led a very colourful life...
  15. Pics from yesterdays event.... Ginginho ready to party... Had the burgers and franks on the grill..... "Bitches in the living room, getting it on..." And even one in the garage for later... And then, NO FUCKER TURNS UP!!!!!! So my night ended, as usual, like this....
  16. There are 31 current crew members with an Xbox record on the Social Club...
  17. I often see Stoic online looking for friends to play Halo Reach, DozyGamer and r2d2midget are on often as well. Come on, QD and beatnicpie - let's fuck... I may be able to get my brother to join if he ain't working...
  18. It is the only place in NZ that imports Canadian beer. I had a choice of Kokanee, Moosehead or one with a maple leaf on the label of the bottle.
  19. Cinnamon, sugar and lemon juice... I would have had maple butter and bacon but the poutine filled me up.
  20. Reall good once I got over the disappointment that they weren't real moose ears or beaver tails....
  21. Found a Canadian deli in Auckland!! Had lunch there today. Poutine with Montreal-smoked brisket, followed by moose ears (which my canadian friend says are called beavers tails in Canada) washed down with a Kokanee... Awesome!!
  22. Yes. They need to be verified because I can't play them at the moment.... and they surely can't be worse than the ones already verified. They could at least make crew created content available to all crew members, regardless of console....
  23. I call char siu BBQ pork and I have had it for lunch 2 days in a row with fried rice.... Dinner was pad yakisoba, thai version of Japanese fried noodles with chicken and vege... all good
  24. Ginginho

    GTAO Wishlist

    The crew logo to be added to the tattoos - surely that should be easy... Something underwater worth going there for... The ability to place the crew logo on whatever you want, where you want it - thought the jackal would look neat on the side of my rape van but I am not allowed it...
  25. It sucks but I often forget to turn it off Basically, if you are lead a race by quite a margin, your car will lose power slightly, allowing those behind to catch up a bit. Thanks to all for the super car tips too...