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Everything posted by Ginginho

  1. Nah - optional extra Bench front seat - best thing ever
  2. My first car was typical of many kiwis and aussies.... 1974 Holden Kingswood HQ in gold.... fucking awesome!!
  3. Yeah sorry - I have learned to work with what I got... Can you restrict the type of vehicles and weapons used for a GTA race?? I might try for a fire engine race with molotovs....
  4. Here it is.... Making it look like a cock was my only consideration.
  5. THE MISSION IS NOT FOUND. BROWSE MORE MISSIONS BELOW, OR USE THE SEARCH OPTIONS ABOVE. You'll be searching PS3 races - I'm on Xbox. Same thing happened when I was trying to find yours....
  6. Here's my first effort... Penetrator Cock shaped track. Motorbikes. Against the traffic flow... Good times Are you able to create team vehicle deathmatches? I have a great idea...
  7. Try going back to the strip club and look at the planning board again
  8. No they don't I am afraid - in the Social Club anyways...
  9. I would have gone for the aliens making an appearance if Saints Row hadn't gone there.....
  10. After downloading the update, I got to make changes to my character so I did. My stats improved by quite a bit, maxing out stamina and strength and adding a bar to shooting. Sweet...
  11. I am probably the only person to have attempted to play this league but fuck yeah.... Was predicted to be last, came 2nd regular season and look good for the play offs... This was unexpectedly good fun - hopefully it will be back next season...
  12. Surprised by the GTAV add on - I was sure they did the multiple endings as an excuse not to bother...
  13. You guys have fun "jackaling it in San Andreas"
  14. Went for a walk at lunchtime, a Range Rover drove past. My first thought was "I should have jacked that... $9k at LSC" Was playing a GTA race the other night and fell down the field early. Got some rockets and just shot them. Next thing heard over the mic chatter was "Fucking GTA race!! How can you fucking race without any wheels!!". I lol'd
  15. Does anyone know where the BF Surfer spawns or the area I might find one please?
  16. We have 2 cruise ships docked in Auckland at the moment - there has been no influx of hawtness on the streets at lunchtime. Just elderly Americans with round stomachs (men) and plastic faces (women) looking for Hobbiton....
  17. Thinking of just getting stuck into Fallout 3 for the first time....
  18. I wish I could get on for some more crew action with QD, Stoic and Gunny.... I have only had a couple of really good online sessions and that's when crew members were around
  19. @ Synch Here's my basic guide to golf... by no means definitive but it should get you past it... When playing a shot, you only need to flick the left stick down to start the back swing. You don't need to hold it down. The flick forward should be firm and straight up. Learn to use spin and shot correction. After you play your shot, you can control the ball slightly in the air and then use spin once it lands for better accuracy by tapping A (Xbox) and moving the left stick. If you think your shot is going too far, pull the stick down and tap like a mofo which helps stop the ball overshooting or push forward if you are falling short. Topspin will give you an extra 20 odd yards when driving as well. The wind is the only variable that you have to worry about. A wind speed of +5 or +6 is going to fuck with your shit so you have to compensate quite a lot. You will get used to the angles required. When you are able to hit the green using a 5I or higher, use an Approach shot and aim the marker 15-20 yards before the hole. Adjust for the wind and use spin to get the ball to spin towards the hole or stop the shot. With some exceptions, you should only need 2 putts maximum per hole. For the first putt, play the shot exactly as the game gives you, unless there is a very obvious slope. But then you don't need to compensate too much. When taking the shot, err on the side of caution and play the shot at the top of the yellow shot marker, unless it's very obviously uphill. I have missed tons of putts by hitting it slightly too hard or even right in the middle of the yellow box. The second shot should be close enough to putt easily. You can use the Driver on every hole except Hole 3. There is one hole that starts you with a 7I but use the driver and aim through the left side of trees. Hold the targeting button down and move the left stick until you can see the end of the pointer, and not just trees. For all drives, use the Power shot type except on Hole 6, which is a par 3. Use Normal and backspin to stop the ball on the green. Hopefully that helps... If you haven't already done it...
  20. Ginginho


    Xbox Game store has the game and all DLC cheaper than I can get a GOTY edition - being a cheap arse, I didn't want to buy any that I didn't need to...
  21. Ginginho


    Quick question - Fallout 3 DLC - is it worth getting all 5 at once?
  22. Ginginho


    Is this your baby, QD??
  23. I am not the best GTA player but surely there is something wrong when I can rank up quicker playing golf than by driving around, killing people and generally causing mayhem....