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Everything posted by Ginginho

  1. I leave the spiders alone in my place - they keep the fly population down in summer. Also, watching them build webs after I get them stoned is immensely funny...
  2. If you made that final choice from Franklin's point of view, I think that the third choice was the only way - if Trev or Mike had the option then it would have been more feasible for one to off the other but Franklin had no real beefs with either of the other two. I was quite disappointed at how easy the loose ends were to wrap up as well...
  3. Does anyone know if the checklist map on Rockstar Social Club is 100% accurate? I am trying to rustle up enough hitchhikers to take to the Altruists - I have done 2 and I can see 2 more on the SC map but I am sure I have already done one of them.... Or if I don't have enough hitchhikers to trigger the finale, can I just shoot the fuckers up anyway?
  4. I bumped a car while overtaking in a truck - he got aggro and started tapping my rear bumper so I timed his next attack with me braking hard and he went through his windscreen and straight into the back of the truck.... Or driving to a mission, drove over a motorcyclist (as you do) but his bike got pushed in front of the truck that was next to me and all 3 of us exploded in a huge fireball....
  5. Pretty accurate really.... From the office of Dr Isiah Friedlander Client Notes - Highly Confidential Terrifying. Deluded, lonely, desperate and vain. Definitely incapable of making a real decision. Not really capable of seeing how hypocritical their actions are - sees bad in others easily enough though. Desperate for material possessions. Conflates sex with money. Eager, desperate, malicious, heartless - classic psychopath. Co dependent. Enjoys speculation. Easily offended to point of extreme rage. Compulsive and repeat thief. Must make sure yoga does not influence their time with me. Lazy. Out going and friendly, in a terrifying kind of way. Obsessive completest - which is unnerving. Well, well, well, a maniac.
  6. Good to know a couple of my Vice City favourites hit the big time... Steve Scott was there as well
  7. I haven't tried it yet but make sure you let R* know what you don't like. They have said quite openly they want as much feedback as possible and will try to evolve the game to suit the players - if enough people make enough noise, they will change it...
  8. I am finding a new appreciation of Bob Seger... I would have liked a 90's rock station and a 60-70's classic hits station but oh well... In the final credits, "Take the Money and Run" was listed as the Steve Miller Band song on LSRR, which I thought was the more appropriate number. Rock'N Me is the song that actually appears...
  9. I don't know which show on the chat station it was but they came up with my favourite piece of dialogue yet.... The discussion was on choking someone while fucking them and the guy said something like "Make life while you take life away..." Had to pause the game to lol...
  10. CE edition... where does claude come from? is he CE edition too? Yep - pretty sure he was. Niko, Claude and Misty were the CE bonus character models
  11. It was a Collectors Edition bonus - not sure if and when it will be released generally...
  12. Trying out a hairstyle before my next shave for charity.... I call it the Mega-Vyv
  13. Even if it isn't a choice, those cunts are going to die...
  14. There better be a fucking good pay off at the end of this mission string.....
  15. After completing the mission, Michael ended up with 10,000 sniper rifle ammo. I am not sure why but I have a feeling it was because I changed weapons during the mission...
  16. Midgets would be cool. Are you a midget, ginginho? No but I wish I was sometimes - would definitely make my cock look bigger... I have a bit of a midget fetish though
  17. I hope the character creation allows for midgets with ginger afros....
  18. I'm glad I still have so much to do in single player then....
  19. I had wondered about that too - had the exact same experience. Has anyone shaved Trevor bald and then seen his hair grow back over time??