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Everything posted by Ginginho

  1. I am on from about 10pm until 1 or 2am my time which I think is 5am to 8am EST - straight 12 hour switch for the UK... I could make time for a special occasion
  2. honky chickens - would you eat one?
  3. I'll join an FML style one - let me know when because I haven't actually modded a car up yet....
  4. There is an in-game map of the stunt jumps, base jumps and bridges to fly under on the Junk energy drink website....
  5. If you could swim in Vice City, that would be my favourite... I think VC has the best storyline but SA had a whole lot more to do
  6. I got my favourite Trevor one last night... He was getting kicked out of the mortuary in Strawberry saying something like "I was only holding him..."
  7. I got my Romero when I switched to Trevor being kicked out of the Mortuary in Strawberry saying "I was only holding him..." lol
  8. When searching for spaceship parts, listen out for a pulsing hum....
  9. Can you deliver prostitutes to the Altruists?
  10. Amputeens?? Fuck yeah!! "90 minutes of cavity depravity" Bright lights, big city...
  11. Only my 2nd photo - I have to get onto this shit....
  12. Can anyone give me some advice and tips on guide-free collectible hunting (Synch, where are you?). I have always used guides for the collectibles in past GTA games but I want to make the extra effort to find them myself if that is possible. Also how many different types are there? I am aware of two so far.... And how many are underwater? Just to show how useless I am, I have played around 40 odd hours and found 2 so far. Actually, I am wondering where that time went because I still have 40 odd missions to complete... Thanks in advance
  13. I reckon I may have fucked that up - I have a feeling I just killed them all before I got close enough to identify the people...
  14. I also think they have put the anti-roll on to protect cars you have spent a fortune on - nothing worse than spending $50k on upgrades then watching it blow up when you roll it over....
  15. I hope I haven't fucked up my chance to recruit him - I can't remember meeting him yet but he won't turn up where Massacre mentioned. Is he in the carpark itself?
  16. Did this happen when you first went to the barber's?
  17. I managed to max out both the first two's stamina through walking around aimlessly.... Also, for those wanting to change the targeting from that little dot to a proper crosshairs, go to Settings, Display then change Weapon Target from simple to complex.
  18. I was so wasted IRL when I got to do this mission... I failed so many times that the game eventually let me win by not draining my health after a certain point
  19. Although, a couple of times I have driven a brand new car into a high speed head on with a truck and the engine fucks out on me, not totally but my controller rumbles constantly and it loses performance, even though the external damage appears minimal. I find wheels and tyres die a lot easier as well... Driving can feel arcade-like at times but I am usually having too much fun to give a fuck... I actually think GTA V walks the line between reality and fantasy very well.
  20. Check out the bodybuilding supplements website - probably don't need to tell you who runs it.... Also, as you drive around the sticks as Trevor, you sometimes pick up random radio transmissions. One of them mentions I wasn't concentrating and only really heard his name so not sure what it was all about...
  21. There is one in a church cemetery just north of Los Santos - sorry but I don't know exactly where it was.
  22. Good, shooting from a car with the white dot is impossible I dont see the crosshair option under display settings? Change the display option from simple to complex - I think that's how I did it... There is only one display option that refers to weapons, I think