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Posts posted by calimann83

  1. They could be lying about the wanted stars like they did purchasable property.

    I do not think they lied about purchasable property, I think they announced that they would not include it to see how people responded. They got a negative response so they changed their minds.

    Amazon ?


    I wouldn't worry about it, I doubt there would be a trophy item for something not everyone will have.

  2. CVG will be attepting to make their own map based on what they have seen. Should be interesting to see what they come up with and how it compared to Dubs map. They will be going over the map they have on their GTA 5 youtube show (GTA 5 o'clock) tomorrow.

    oh and it looks like they will be using some of what you guys have come up with already on this topic.

    • Like 1

  3. It'll be interesting to see if police weapons (mainly rifles and SMG's) will be modded, mainly as I'd assume the police IRL would issue a rifle or SMG with a scope or laser aiming module?

    That is a good question. That question could be applied to other parts of the game as well. Will weapons you pick up around the map all be stock or will some of them already have Mods? It would be sweet to climb up one of the mountains and find tricked out sniper rifle or something.

    I read somewhere that if you run out of ammo, you don't simply throw your gun away. So I'm guessing the only way to lose your gun is being arrested, or physically deleting it from you weapon selection wheel.

    I am okay with this, especially when the guns have been modded.

    Sounds like they're bascially recycling and revamping RDRs system.

    I don’t know if they are recycling, but I think they are drawing on several key aspects of that system that seemed to work well. They also seem to be drawing from max payne 3 (in general). I think R* tends to treat every game like a test bed for future games. They take what works and toss out what didn’t. It is a good way of doing things because they are always improving. Now I am sure most developers do that to some degree, but it seems like R* is particularly good at it. Most developers also only seem to limit their improvements across individual franchises while R* will use any game it produces across any of its studios.

    • Like 1

  4. they do not seem very piratical being that small.

    Yarr, matey.

    How in the name of Doc Brown does spell check get piratical instead of practical? What does that even mean? :huh:

    No, the font.

    I might adjust the radar a little but this is what I'm going with. Kind of a halfway point of three separate bars and 1 mixed bar (for stoopud ppl dat means 2):

    So health and armor are mixed with special under that.

    If anyone else wants to have a go I'll make a news article at the end of this week for all of these.

    The combined bars fits with what they did in GTA4 so I could see them doing that.

    As for the font, I am still predicting that each charecter will have their own font in the final game.

  5. Someone that saw the GTA V demo, has now drawn the HUD of it :P

    I won't believe this simply because there is no source...

    ...but it is actually pretty believable. Tye layout makes sense and no one ever said the character selection was in the middle of the screen. The drawing would be sloppy because they didn't have that much time to get down notes, and the person may not want to reveal who they are simply because they were not supposed to reveal such information (and if they exposed themselves they would not be allowed back to one of these previews ever again).

  6. I'd imagine that the blueprint map will show many, possibly all of, the sea/ocean wrecks, as R* said the blueprint map will show "Cryptic markings indicate locations for fast cash and other points of interest for the up-and-coming entrepreneur."

    I hope not, that would take the fun out of exploring. I think the map will just have a few key points.

    I am hoping that there will be enough down there (and in the rest of the map) to keep this topic alive for months after the game comes out.

  7. So I have been thinking about weapons customization a little. I am really not sure how to put this but here it goes...

    Do you guys think that guns will be treated as they are in any other GTA or will they be unique items? For example: let’s say I go and buy a standard Shotgun from AmmuNation, I then modify that shotgun. Do you think that modified shotgun will be unique, and if I lose it then it is gone forever? Or will it will I just be able to pick it up again, modded and all, as if nothing happened.

    If the former is true then I would hope that we had some sort of weapons locker at our safe houses where we could store different weapons kind of how we store cars in garages. I am thinking we could have something like 4 or 5 different versions of the M4 saved at our safe house. We can then chose which one we want for a particular mission. If we die or are arrested we lose whatever we had on hand (kind of like the old days in GTA) but your stash would be safe. You could also stock pile extra ammo at the safe house.

    I think it would be fun to create an arsenal of different weapons to choose from. It would also be nice to be able to store weapons of the same class (assuming the weapon class system works the same) so you could just switch out when you wanted to.

    • Like 3

  8. I will start by pouring myself a nice glass of my finest Scotch (I might even pull out a cigar) and setting up a nice and comfortable position on the couch and making sure my wife knows that I will be unavailable for the next 12 to 24 hours.

    I will then look over the map and read the book (I am hoping they have the tourist guide book like they usually have). Then I will start the game. After completing the first/introductory mission I will reset the urge to go crazy and explore everything. Most likely I will stay with whatever character the first mission left me off in. I will explore the immediate area where I start, get used to the controls, get a wanted level to see how that works, take in some of the detail and probably do the first mission or two. I will then try out the transition option and knock out the first few missions for each character. This is of course assuming that the first few missions will play out the way I think they will, if they don't then I will adjust.

    Once I have made it through the most of the beginning missions I will start to explore more openly. My first big goal is to hit the peak of mount chiliad and try some dirt biking. I also want to check out the ocean floor. Then I will go on a big rampage and see how much damage I can cause

    • Like 3

  9. You are correct. From CVG:

    " ascend into the skies, Google Earth-style, the screen fills with static (although you can still see the outline of your location) and then you zoom across the city, zeroing in on the character of your choosing. The closer, geographically, Franklin, Trevor and Michael are to one another, the quicker the transition; when you're using all three in a mission, for example, the change will be instantaneous."

    They do not, however, clarify if you see static in the short range transitions or not (at least not in this preview), just that it is faster. I actually wonder if the static was for demo purposes only, to limit what they saw of the map. probably not, but worth considering.

  10. I'm going to upgrade my pre-order since I paid full $66 at GS for the game like in March for the PS3. Gonna get the Collector's Edition which is the first time I have ever put $150 on a game. Just one question...

    If R* ever decides to announce the PC version, can I change my PS3 pre-order to the PC version and still have the Collector's Edition but for the PC?

    I am sure you could just cancel the PS3 pre-order and then apply the money to the PC version.

    but I really doubt the PC version will come out this year.

  11. GTA 4 map was leaked, but I do not think they ever officially released at GTA map early. I have been told that they released the RDR map before it was released, but I don't know because I didn't follow RDRs development.

    I think it is hard to really judge size and scale from these images and from the map. I think there are two things that make a game "big": first there is the actual map size, and then there is the environment and how big they make the game feel. ES: Morrowind is an example, that game actually had a pretty small map, but it felt huge because of how Bethesda designed it. RDR is another example of a game that felt a lot bigger then it was.

    my point is that we will not really know how big the map feels until we play.

    @Viceman: but I think that was only the city's, right?

  12. I don't think anyone has a problem with pre-order incentives if they have some physical worth. Caps, keyrings, maps etc are all awesome. It's downloadable pre-order exclusive content that should be (and probably is) on the disc that pisses some people off.

    Will you be so supportive of these companies in the future if they decide to continually increase the amount of micro-transactions in their games? What if you had to pay real money everytime you wanted to buy ammo in GTA? They are businesses after all...

    And sense of entitlement? What, because I spent about the first 15 years of my gaming life receiving the FULL game I payed for (and boy did they cost a lot). Last time I checked, the companies weren't charity organizations back then either.

    If people pay for these micro transactions then game makers would have every reason to sell them. If they start getting insane with micro transactions then stop buying games, that's the power we have. get upset at the people providing a market not the ones filling it.

    For the record I am against micro-transactions and that is why I don't get involved in them. I do not see per-order DLC as a micro-transaction.

    anyways this is getting way off topic and this whole thing will probably be deleted.

  13. Dup, that map is amazing. Defiantly the best mock up out there and certainly beyond anything I could ever possibly do. I was looking at the blueprint map set up that you posted and your most recent map...


    Been working the roads into my map for the last few days. Then they go and release that map section, so i had to rework some of the city roads. Here's how it's looking:


    The biggest difference that stands out to me is that south east area. Looks like there is a sandy area down there. probably a river wash.

  14. No one directly said it, but I sort of got the impression that we may be able to customize Aircraft and watercraft.

    A couple of previews have directly stated that we can customize Watercraft and Aircraft. For instance on Page 2 of the IGN Preview ~


    Rockstar has included more tools in your arsenal and cars, trucks, motorcycles, watercraft, and all manner of aerial vehicles than ever before. Better yet, they’re all fully customizable and upgradeable. In the biggest title Rockstar has ever created geographically, it seems rather fitting that everything around the actual terrain is growing in scope, too.

    ~ Here is the link to the Article >>

    Jesus, I swear I have read everything and then there is something else I missed. I am giving up.