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Everything posted by calimann83

  1. A little tidbit I haven't seen mentioned yet. according to these guys ( video below ) GTA5 is going to use something similar to the weapons wheel in RDR. Thought that was interesting, not sure how I feel about that. (Okay, I didn't want to embed this, but it seems to do it automatically)
  2. I do not think they lied, I think they just changed some things based on the reactions they go t to their initial reveal. Same with buying property.
  3. I am loving all three of them right now. They each seem to have their own appeal. I probably wont be able to pick a favorite until I have actually played the game.
  4. There is one major problem with that map. In reality the Alamo sea ( Salton Sea/ What it's based on ) is Southeast of L.A. not Northeast. But this wouldn't be the first time Rockstar have changed the geographic locations of certain landmarks. yeah, I do not think the real geographical locations of things can really be all that much of an indicator, at least not to much. They seem more concerned with the atmosphere of Southern California then anything else.
  5. I do not think they were saying we will never see crowds of people. they were just talking about how in LA people do not walk down the street has much as they do in a place like New York. malls and public spaces like air ports should still be plenty crowded.
  6. PS3 because that is what I have. I would be getting it on PC if I had a system that could handle it.
  7. Man you drive slow! It would take me no more than 2 minutes flat to get from LS to Mt Chilliad. good for you. It probably depends on how you drive it. taking that coastal road to the base of the mountain could easily take a few minutes.
  8. I understand that. it shows that it is as much about how the map is set up as it is about the actual size. Not having a car makes everything feel further away of course, but they also use natural barriers like mountains and rivers to make things look bigger then they really are. but if you think about it, in RDR you could travel between the two furthest points on the map, by horse, between sunrise and sunset. meanwhile in SA it takes almost 5 minutes in real time just to get from the LS to the big Mountain while using a car.
  9. Agreed, and if they did include the sea floor then that means they would have to be including SA, RDR and GTA4s sea floor and that would just be insane. My prediction is that no matter how good these analysis are all of our guess will be wrong. the map will look nothing like we think it does.
  10. Gta will be around after you get back, might even be able to pick up the goty edition... Well that's a good thought, but they'll probably leave the GOTY edition until they've released all the DLC which will take more than 6 months I reckon. At least it's win/win whether I get the job or not. Playing GTAV on release or amazing job experience. If I get the job I'll still have Internet though and I doubt I'll be able to avoid the forums which will be torture I want to work in Antarctica? how do you do that? cant you play games down there? if I could play games in Iraq I would think you could play in Antarctica.
  11. Two things wrong with that theory, 1) They would have picked a date a bit closer to Christmas, like November or December. September is to early. 2) If they wanted to hit Christmas sales they would have made that decision a long time time ago and we never would have heard about a spring release. they have no reason to go out of their way to upset people. besides a game like GTA would benefit more by being away from the November/December game release rush. I doubt their will actually be extra content in the game, just less bugs.
  12. Didn't we get told about the GTA4 delay like a month before it was supposed to come out? that was a let down. But the worse I have seen this generation is GT5, I think we got the tailor for that one when they announced the PS3. it got delayed like 3 years or something like that.
  13. I would rather have no release date and have it released in Spring like planned than wait about 4 months extra. Even the cover art is delayed... Pretty sloppy if you ask me, not that I'm an expert at this stuff but Rockstar can't just keep delaying literally everything they make and expect it just blow over. One day they have to realize, even though everyone will still buy the game regardless. yeah it is pretty sloppy that everything they make is delayed. I have no idea why they announced in early January that the cover art was coming if, on the last day of the month they still can't provide it. it just doesn't make sense. That is true, but has everything they released been delayed? I know GTA4 was, but I do not know about their other games. I still do not think they are doing this lightly, they have no reason to upset people even if they know they can get away with it. The day is not over yet, so we may still get the cover art. I do not see why could not release the cover art today unless they decided to change it or something. Try some of the older GTA games, they are available on PSN now. No, that makes no sense. first I really doubt we will see the PS4 this year, and if we did it would not be out by September (it would likely be a December release). secondly I would think it would take a bit longer then a few months to port the game over to a new system. finally even if they do make it for the PS4 there would be no reason not make it for the PS3. ...Hey maybe we will get a new tailor.
  14. It is not that big of a deal. yes it is a disappointment, but it is only a few months. I think it is funny that this same thing happened to GTA4, maybe they need to work on making sure everything is in order before announcing a timeline to the public. ..and it is stupid to cancel your per-order or refuse to get the game now. that is just cutting your nose off to spite our face. You are not entitled to this game by a certain date and R* owes you nothing but a reasonable return in content for pay. ...but whatever, the game will be awesome and I am happy to see them put a little extra effort into it, even if it means a delay. It gives me a little bit of time to replay SA and VC before 5 comes out.
  15. Thank you, I have been thinking that the whole time I was reading these post. Snow is very common in our mountains and in the suburban area flooding is not that uncommon ether. See people like to build houses all over southern California despite the fact that a lot of the land is made up of dry river beds and flood plains. I cannot tell you how many times I have seen minor flooding in my city (I am just outside of LA). Also Malibu is known for its floods and mudslides. High winds are also very common here. In fact the Santa Ana Winds we get in the fall often have gust of up to 80MPH + (That's 128km/h for my international friends). So there are a lot of different weather types that can be present in the game. Winds effecting air craft and driving on those long open highways would be good. Obviously it rarely snows in the city, but I hope we see it in the country side. if there is snow it should definitely effect driving. As for flooding, if they do have it then it should be limited. Obviously they are not going to have mud slides, but some flooding in the street after an especially large storm would be nice. nothing major, ankle high water maybe? just to add some realism. Earthquakes would be awesome, but I have a feeling that they would they be scripted. So at a set point in the storyline there is an earthquake that could play into the storyline (maybe it makes it easier to rob a certain bank). then after that mission there could be random aftershocks. Fog, like others have said, should be real dense like in real life. you cannot see in front of you. Maybe it would be easier to get away from the cops because they cant see you. you could also get a hold of thermal goggles so you could see but others cannot. Tsunami, no! Forest Fires, another thing not uncommon to southern California. I do not know how that would work, might have to be scripted, but it could be cool. I liked the weather effects in RDR, so I hope this is similar.
  16. ^^^that's actually a pretty interesting concept. So let me see if I got this right; you hit 6 stars and the police start sending everything they got at you then if you survive a certain amount of time at 6 stars (lets say 6 hours) the police pull back and the city riots. then after a set period of time the military rolls in to take back control.
  17. Not all the cars, that would be a bit much. maybe the last 5 or so cars you had. as I said before it would be cool if you had an option to ether pay to get it released or you could chose to steal it back, but of course that would be more difficult.
  18. I sort of remember that back when SA came out R*s goal was to have near 100% of the interiors to accessible but it ended up being to much so they had to cut back. I assume that is still their ultimate goal so I think it is reasonable to assume that we will see a lot of random building that have interiors like we saw in 4. hopefully we will have even more. I want to be able to bust into a random house when running from the cops.
  19. Wow, that's not bad. I am impressed with the analysis the people are doing on these screen shots. I am even more curious on how accurate these will turn out be. I would think that the lake Alamo would be more to the south or east and in more of a desert environment, but I do not think R* will hold themselves to strictly to actual geography. There is fast travel, it is disguised in the form of taxis. Also planes. Taxi cabs were tedious... I didn't think so, you just called them and then skipped. I wouldn't want a Elder Scrolls style fast travel. they also mentioned that there will be a fast travel in the form of switching characters.
  20. 90% is a bit much. they will have all the landmarks but they will not be to the same scale or in the same layout as in real life.
  21. Considering the trend in gaming to minimize the HID and use regenerative health I think that we are going to see a RDR system in GTAV. Now I have nothing against a regen system in general (it worked in RDR) but I think for GTA I would prefer having non-regenerating health. I like looking for health packs and armor. I also think I prefer the bars on the top over the wrap around on the map (but I know we wont see that).
  22. That's a good question. Right now I think I want to limit how much I explore at beginning of the game. At the same time I want to check out all three charterers. I will do the first few missions and assuming we start in the city I will probably look around and see if I can get into a little trouble, steal some cars. I will save any major exploring for a bit later in the game
  23. Depends, are we talking about realism in game play or realism in the environment and atmosphere (Including the storyline). I think a lot of people agree the GTA4 was a little to gritty and realistic for a GTA game. what I noticed in 4 however, was that realism in the gameplay was not to bad, it was the environment and the storyline that were to realistic. the whole thing was very heavy and not very much fun. on the other hand you have games like SR3 where everything is just so goofy it is hard to be immersed at all. I think, as others have said, that San Andreas had a nice balance of realism and silly. I would like to see them make that even better in 5. realistic driving and shooting is always good. the story line should make sense and be serious but not to the degree where I feel like I am watching a Law and Order episode. How about a seriousness level of Psych. I would like Hollywood realism, that is no crazy aliens or sci-fi stuff but cars blow up when you shoot them and guys run around duel welding machine pistols.