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Everything posted by BeetnikBriyan

  1. They could add on a reduced size Venturas for some sort of gambling DLC, or they could just have casinos in Los Santos I think they'll have casinos in LS. I hope they add the Crystal of Compton, CA.
  2. Okay I thought the whole population was wiped out of the old west. Kinda unlikely for me to see a Chinese man in Mexico before seeing a black woman in America.
  3. A black female in RDR? I haven't.
  4. There was the Seville Boulevard gang who were part of the 'green' larger gang Also, do you think that the spray can will return with the ability to gas people, and to casually spray on walls (not just over rival gang graffiti) ??? ...and make a huge green fucking mess! That's what I always wanted to do. Instead of drawing zig zags and random swirls and circles and it coming out as magical gang writing. This would be great for GTA V especially painting a Balla's face green.
  5. I could imagine Lamar saying "All we had to do was follow the damn train Franklin" at some point in GTA V.
  6. I'm looking forward to this side of GTA V. Street addresses, Zip Codes, Area Codes (the apartment that says "Se Renta" has the real LA 323 area code).This really beats the GPS system on IV by a long shot. It would be cool if they had a parody of the Google car that takes pics and you can stick the middle finger at it and see yourself on the in-game version of Google Maps. Or just steal the car and take the pics yourself
  7. I'd like to know how the cops distinguish between "medical" and "grown by my buddy in his basement". Or do you flash the card and they take off? If it's a small amount purchased illegally, they'll just make you drop it on the ground and step on it. With large amounts they'll either arrest you or steal it and sell it themselves (in some cases the cops would even smoke it). But for medical I'm too young to even get a card so I don't even know what would happen, they should let you go with no problem depending if they're dirty or not.
  8. Gotta watch out for those public security cameras and witnesses also. It could be that the cops would ask people if they seen you, or go to local businesses or residential homes with outside cameras and ask the home or business owner/manager to view the footage.
  9. Weed is basically legal in Cali. You can just tell them "My shoulder hurts, I need weed" and they'll happily give you a card for purchasing medical.
  10. Sounds good, I hope they do have animal killing so I can shoot a raccoon and launch it at a meeting place of The Lost. See how that goes.
  11. I think they should move the Lakers to Vegas. Their time is over.
  12. For DLC I hope they have it where cops use that X Ray thingamajigger where they can see if you hiding behind a dumpster or car (and other objects). I said X Ray thingamajigger cause I cant remember what it's called. Thermal vision camera thingy? Likely!
  13. Your posts give me cancer. I forgot about that joke. I wonder who created it. Maybe someone who got cancer from someone's posts
  14. For DLC I hope they have it where cops use that X Ray thingamajigger where they can see if you hiding behind a dumpster or car (and other objects). I said X Ray thingamajigger cause I cant remember what it's called.
  15. Maybe it's a reference to Cypress Hill, they have an old track called 'Killa Hill Niggas'. Could be.
  16. I wonder what the 213 stands for (maybe East Beach since that's Long Beach's area code. But the area definitely has to be S.E LA. And the first thing I think of on "The Hills" is Hillside 13 (who was on Training Day), but it might be their gang. Lamar is married o.O