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Everything posted by Bulletgt

  1. I wonder what purpose that island will serve since there's no bridge attached to it maybe it will be a nuclear power plant like in Saints Row
  2. I think that you're forgetting just how big GTA lV was ~ Don't you remember GameInformer said it was bigger than Liberty City, and I'm saying I can now see how that's true when I couldn't before
  3. I don't know why but this picture made Los Santos look small But this one made it look huge I can definitely see that it's bigger than Liberty City
  4. I agree with everything you said. I too would like some beefier engines sounds for the vehicles, especially for the muscle cars/sports cars. They sounded pretty wimpy in GTA lV. I don't want to get off topic but this is very true in gta 4 the muscle cars sounded like low pitched tuners and the tuners just sounded weird. I don't know if there's a whole sound copyright progress issue or whatnot but it would be really nice to drive the dukes and hear the power you have I don't know maybe we can improve it at the customization shops but I thought this was worth putting out there
  5. But not as Many as you'd think in LA. If your talking about Audi and Mercedes than yes but if you mean a car like the Opel insignia or an Alfa Romeo Spider ( vehicles that are not usually seen or sold in America) than mor European cars might be less likely for the game
  6. The official game guides (usually made by Brady Games) have a vehicle list oh good i was beginning to get worried that we would have to find them all by are self's and miss one or two. No there's a wiki that has very detailed vehicle pages for every gta. It's edited by a community
  7. The cocksuckery is at an all time high on this site why make it decrease
  8. Well this site ( TreeFitty) along with other sites sure has done a hell of a job finding vehicles I'm amazed he's done a little better than other gta wiki sites I've seen
  9. So is there actually an official vehicle list made by Rockstar Or is it just a thing made by fansites once the game is Made like the Cars GTA4
  10. Does anyone know when they released the vehicle list for gta4
  11. anyone think they'll Release the vehicle list before the game comes out because if they do ill jizz my pants with happiness
  12. Jesus I gotta learn to lighten up it just I've seen people tear each others heads off over dumb little shit like that
  13. Sorry I got auto corrected it was supposed to say it was supposed to say repeated
  14. I feel like this article just repressed everything we already know and put it into brochure form with like two new pieces of information
  15. What no I'm being serious it kinda does look like the car I'm aware of the ongoing argument/ feud between you two but believe me I'm not trying to get involved in any way at all. I was just trying to change the subject And point out something I saw is all
  16. I'm just gonna force this to a different subject look a this screenshot now I know its highly improbable but am I the only one who thinks this copcar looks like the old vapid police cruiser from gta4 look at the grill
  17. Hot damn I never would've noticed that good job bOnEs
  18. that would make a lot of sense and would be consistent with this screenshot
  19. Well I will admit it will make for a bit of a challenge in a police chase if your on a motorcycle or a vehicle that's not good for ramming especially since they can kill you while driving
  20. No i mean in real life that's a stupid procedure for cops in real life
  21. Well shit I guess it does happen, but on paper it seems like a fucking terrible idea that could result in a lot of injuries