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Everything posted by TomN94

  1. I believe it's called 9F.. but yeah I don't think you'll have to look for very long because apparently Michael owns one.. possibly.
  2. I have a feeling, now you have mentioned that it could be an entirely seperate entity, that for the Xbox, as it was with BF3, online will be on a seperate disk (as we don't have the luxury of blu-ray like you PS3 folk)
  3. This is brilliant, no denying that, but one thing. I think the Vineyards are in the wrong place, as when you watch Trevor's trailer, and he is in the Biplane, shown in my picture below, he is flying over a river, and there are vineyards on his right, where on your map, there is no river nearby.
  4. I assume the police bike will just be this, but a bit more updated. Wait, what? I should be TomN1994!