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Everything posted by CapnMike

  1. Oh man one of the best was the 'recruit anyone' cheat. I always tried to recruit army guys before they started shooting at me, then when I had a full 7 start a gang war. That'd be hella fun with V's graphics and A.I.
  2. Yeah that would be awesome. But maybe in 2047, not now. In the Godfather all the NPC's had their own name... they just walked around in circles pretty much but some did walk into the stores around the city. But i do like the idea. That's so much fun, having a huge street fight going while you watch. Sometimes the cops pull up and drag a few away, or get themselves punched lol Having the cops show up is great, i've had it where one of the bikers pulled out a gun on the police, and the battle escalated. Too bad that we have to start the fight between NPC's. But that leads me to saying, it really gets on my nerves that the only time the peds fight is when they crash into each other, I just really want the NPC's to be more violent at times... Sort of like in SA, you weren't the only one shooting a gun. Hell 5 years playing IV i have never seen a npc kill another npc without me starting it. Really annoying. Just found this... No comment ---> http://www.insiderme...milar-yakuza-5/ You'd think in the slums of LS there would be lots of brawling going on, hopefully. Also I like the idea of earned familiarity, sort of like fame in RDR. I don't see why they couldn't add honor as a gained stat, maybe from breaking up fights or something.
  3. That's so much fun, having a huge street fight going while you watch. Sometimes the cops pull up and drag a few away, or get themselves punched lol
  4. RDR had really cool ped interactions. I liked how you could say a friendly 'hello' to anyone you met, I hope that's possible in V, besides flipping people off. Also in each gta game there's always been a ped who I just hated so goddamn much that I had to go out of my way in the middle of a six star chase to make sure they suffered the most gruesome of deaths. For instance the hispanic lady in the blue in SA, and the fat lesbian in IV. The mustached cab driver was a close runner up, he always ran me over at the slightest sound of gunfire. I hope such horrible people are present in V.
  5. Yeah I say It should take IV's realism up a level to challenge you and have a buffet of cheats to screw with when you want to.
  6. It's "drive in, drive out in pink car, do it again, some weird easter egg blue" and so on.
  7. The thing was one of my fave parts of SA and they won't risk not putting it in V. Graphics- don't worry, they'll be fantastic. I'm with you, I long for this game, ever do I long....
  8. I wouldn't be surprised at all if there were SWAT shields to be found in LS. I think it could make for very interesting melee fights, bashing someone against a wall with one. Also could be used alongside a machete or hatchet or even a pistol.
  9. The painkiller/drug effect is a cool idea, but I doubt it's something they'd put in gta. I think the realism will be satisfactory, and hopefully plenty of cheats for making it not-so-realistic.
  10. Totally agree. Cheats take away from any feeling of progression and accomplishment. Earning money by doing various missions, activities, gambling or by robbing is better than just entering a cheat. Progressing through the Main Story missions or completing a certain number of challenges/ activities to unlock weapons/ upgrades/ cars/ safehouses is better then entering a cheat. Looking for collectibles and getting spawned weapons that way, or completing vigilante/ ambulance/ firefighting missions and getting bonuses boosting health/ armour and the ability to become fireproof is better then just entering a cheat to become invincible/ or replace your health and armour automatically. Cheats are better for going on killing sprees, and for generally creating as much mayhem as you can, seeing how long you can last against the cops ( although if there is an invincible cheat you could last forever/ unless they have a glitch like in GTA SA where police helicopter rounds are able to penetrate you ). I don't save after accessing cheats, and usually won't fuck around with them until most of the game is completed. And I definitely never use them for story missions. Same, I never use cheats for story missions or even side missions. I always had a separate save file to use cheats on and just go crazy with. Both provide tons of fun.
  11. Really hope to see the 'never wanted' cheat and just be the good ol' angel of death sometimes. Also liked the 'bounty on your head' and 'ped riot' cheats in SA.
  12. Infernus + buzzard miniguns = hell yeah. I bet it's something one could find in a hangar deep under the IAA tower...
  13. I could actually go for some sort of LOTR-esque orchestra as my chopper blades tear up a crowd of folks.
  14. I wonder if rocket propelled ejector seats will be present in military jets, that would be pretty cool to do as opposed to just jumping out.
  15. I lost so many cars from the stupid parking spaces because a damned cop needed it. And yet there were plenty of opening garages in Alderney...
  16. True but R* is known for putting subtle 'myths' in their games, although the imagination usually plays a big part lol.
  17. The myths in SA made for a lot of fun, I wouldn't mind more creepy places and 'ghost' glitches. Actually with the size of the map they could have a cabin in the mountains with some chainsaw-weilding maniac....
  18. I think it's fair to say there will be a lot of animals. Their 'most ambitious game yet' is likely to have more than were in RDR.
  19. Maybe one of the protagonists is specialized in breaking safes etc. So there could be some exclusive side missions for that protagonist were you can help somebody to get out of the can. That would be really nice Yeah somebody obviously knows how to blow open a safe in the second trailer, maybe there's a mission where you break someone out and it unlocks a bunch of side missions
  20. They could make armour a little more dynamic I think. If you've got a vest on, a shotgun blast to the torso should maybe knock you back a little, but do little damage. Maybe they could add new armour pieces like a ballistic helmet, which could greatly decrease pistol damage from headshots.
  21. I'd like to see some side missions involving breaking guys out, maybe with different security levels and different rewards
  22. That would be nice, it was a good way to pass the time and just lounge around in rdr
  23. The vigilante missions in IV were cool, although I wished they had also included at least the taxi missions too. I think paramedic and firefighter missions could be awesome this time around but probably won't happen.
  24. Yeah the gold plated guns were cool. It would be a cool option for some of the more antique guns and would need an accurately high price lol