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Everything posted by KingGT

  1. whats everybodys opinion on CVGs idea that Michael and Trevor might be brothers judging by the tattoo on Trevors arm
  2. I posted this a while back and never got a reply so I thought I'd repost it because it's still bugging me.. Its possible that swat only comes around in the city and not the rural Blaine County. With that said, military forces may work in the same way. and i do hope that there is some type of military presence outside of the base that has been mentioned.
  3. I take it you're taking about the gun in the cross hairs, which probably represents a shooting range because i doubt all gun stores have one. And holy shit that's a lot of gun stores.
  4. CVG R* North interview Your response does't answer my simple yes or no question ok, yes, in that interview
  5. Have you played red dead redemption? It probably works in that way If not, then (if they do it the same way) you carry all of your weapons in your inventory and just select the ones that you wish to have on hand on your wheel at one time. I'm sorry that i'm not really great at explaining but if anyone wishes to improve the explanation please do
  6. You can do that with Trevor...i think in the hunting scene it showed Trevor getting out of an RV so i hope that's a possibility, a mobile safe house is one of many on my wishlist for this game
  7. i imagine it will only impound cars that you have bought or have saved in a garage, at least i hope that's how they do it, otherwise yes it would be a huge clusterfuck.
  8. That would either be awesome or just a complete pain in the ass. No in between
  9. i was just thinking, would it be over the top to be able to flip some of the houses and sell them for (hopefully) a profit
  10. Ask your parents if they can google it for you, safe search off. why do i get the feeling that you now believe that i am a child
  11. ok i'm feeling really stupid right now but why "69" and please no criticism
  12. i completely agree and i think that there is a good chance that Grove St. will be in the game, i seen it in the graffiti of one of the buildings in Franklins trailer.
  13. what he said sounds completely plausible but I've seen his shit before and i wouldn't trust his BS
  14. sorry off topic but this picture made me think, i would like to dress Trevor as a preacher and go on a rampage through LS dual wielding the Lost sawed-off shotguns
  15. what if there are a lot of cops around you, do you pay all of them?
  16. ah. well that wouldn't be too bad then, it might be interesting