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marneyknuckle last won the day on February 7 2012

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About marneyknuckle

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    accept my penis in your life
  • Birthday 02/29/1992

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    Portland Oregon
  • Interests
    Smoking weed fucking the system that kinda shit


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  1. Hello everyone. I have the go-ahead to announce that information about the upcoming title is right around the corner. Stay tuned How do I change my screen name btw
  2. "Middle east" is middle eastern Asia, like in north America we call the middle states the mid west. It's more of a name for the region. It is still within the continent of Asia. South America, central America and north America are usually called America when referring to the entire region, but I understand what your getting at. According to this Pakistan and Afghanistan are not in the "middle east"
  3. I said China/Asia. Last I checked the Himalayas ran through parts of China, but I'm not sure. Also, isn't Pakistan and Afghanistan Asia too? My point is, that was some shitty looking smoke and Asia actually has a lot of world famous strains.
  4. A guy I know is staying in China through a exchange student program. There is weed all over. The indica strain originated from China/Asia. You've obviously never heard of Vietnamese gold I assume.
  5. Lol Wtf is that shit? Stems leaves and seeds? Lol! I tripped fucking balls yesterday. I ate 6 grams of closed cap cubensis and met other dimensional beings/aliens/Angels. Blew my mind.
  6. I agree. At 1st I didnt care, until I saw the trailer. Then it was a whole year of exitement, that slowly wore off until trailer 2 but that hyped died and reincarnated into gameinformers Dec issue. That was a sexual explosion of gta info but the afterglow wore off fast. At least we have a release date to get us to the finish line
  7. lol. i love you. <3 a ) yah lets make them rush the game and release it unfinished and gltichy. good idea b ) No its not. Rushed? The released the trailer a year and a half ago. The game is probably finished by now. This delay is purely economic. I dont know maybe to raise hype? Did you think that one through? Release a trailer two years before a release date for a game that is already hyped? Who wasn't excited about gta 5 before the trailer... tbh me and a couple of friends, after we saw the 1st trailer we started getting hyped, so there. Also look at the YouTube 1st trailer. Last time i checked it was around 25 million views. More than any other video game trailer that i know.
  8. Seriously though, its almost spring. Don't you thinkR* would at the least give a release date within a 3 month window so more peoole are aware of gta5?
  9. I dont know maybe to raise hype? Did you think that one through?
  10. Haha we got a date but have to wait a little longer than expected. I actually knew the date within the week so this isent news to me. Maybe if i could post status updates or make a thread I could shed some light
  11. i smoke pot because it gives me knowledge-san andreas npc i believe there was another....
  12. True but thats also stereotyping- i used to think people who said they use pot for medical reasons were just liars trying to get a legal high, that is until i got in a car accident and started using medical reasons. 1st thing the docters did was try to shove pills down my throat. Almost any pill makes me violently sick. even an asprin. So pot is the only alternative with positive side effects. I also have gluacoma and it lowers the presssure. So from my experiences and others who are "legal" pot really is a "painkiller" because it stops the pain and pressure like nothing else can for me. I have a cannabis book from the 70's. Almost everything stated as a fact in that book is age old propaganda and misinformation or opinion. Pot being used as medicine was just being questioned. Amazing to think now 2 states are legal.
  13. well some states legislatures are thinking about pushing legal cannabis-like here in oregon. Some states governments believe pot is so benificial(again like here in oregon)that they want to push legal pot bills themselves for countless benifits instead of waiting another 2 years for another state-wide initaitive. In fact, my states legislature will be taking action as soon as janurary and Paul Stanford of Measure 80 will be reassembling a commitee in feburary. The way i see it most states will feel obsolete and primitive compared to legal states-pushing to nationwide legalization. Who could turn down the 65+mil dollars saved in law enforcement and 150+million dollars in tax revenue alone? I doubt nobody. Also 4 or 5 surveys have been done in the last 2 months-all of which show americans are in favor of cannabis legalization around 56-48% i believe but i could be wrong.