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Everything posted by Sheep

  1. Push does work, its quite nice too! Other than when someone comments on your stauts at like 3am >_<
  2. Damn, poor Japan, wonder how long it'll take them to recover from this, if ever
  3. Im going to see Blink 182 in july, should be good New Rise Against album is full of win
  4. Maybe thats why i couldnt see an incorrect setting >_< lol
  5. No idea why you're getting that, there's no settings preventing it, can you open the attchment in Psy's other thread? Or is it just this one?
  6. Id like to see more interactivity with the environment / vehicles / pedestrians, i wanna be able to kill someone in a back alley and throw them in the boot of my car and go dump them off a pier or something. And as mentioned a more destructive environment would be nice
  7. Ohhh. Changed it so I'll see if I get any
  8. Yeah it works pretty well, push doesnt seem to work i think we need a license for it but its really easy to reply to / start new topics etc, too much to explain but its well worth a download (free from the app store)
  9. Im Sheep (or Mark, whichever) From Newcastle UK same as Psy, but i dont support Liverpool, NEwcastle all the way of course! I dont do anything fancy, i work for HP (not the sauce) fixing the computers of users of a certain government body. Obviously a big GTA fan, currently playing through BOGT, any issue with the site / forum give me a shout i'll try my best to help you out Over and out