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Everything posted by Skribble

  1. While I agree, it "could" be vercetti, by age and appearance and attempt at ripping off his voice. It is not vercetti. It won't be vercetti. It's a different world. A parallel universe.
  2. Dup, just add a vapid badge, match it up to the trailer police car a bit, then start leaking screens!!
  3. I still think there will be more than one city. Just not fierro or ventures. People have been saying San Diego. Roughly the size of broker. I like that idea.
  4. Just watched this ebay listing sell... Early copy of Modern Warfare 3. Maybe just an advertising ploy, who knows, maybe some idiot thinks it's worth that price.
  5. I just had a look and I think it's a bit early to tell. But personally they all look male. Closest would be the middle officer, could be female I guess.
  6. I like the idea of him telling s cover story. He's undercover. And has to keep going undercover and eventually choose to stay lawful or follow his partner into corrupt copness. Training day style.
  7. I just mean have a news post like when igta was launched just sending people. Like a big obvious one so you don't lose anyone looking for new San Andrea info. In the first page break would be best.
  8. Ps - Psy you should have a news post on about igta5. The search term will come up heaps and direct traffic there, then bring it here, instead of to
  9. I would like to see a darker forum. But I wouldn't want to accidentaly a porn site.
  10. Cool, page looks good. Anyone think narrator is the old guy, and he's narrating the story about his own time in Vine wood. (Hence the younger skinnier him in the robbery)?
  11. I agree, it definately looks all scarred and Ray like. But the voice is pretty much definately not him. I wonder who else it could be. P.S Marney, there any casting calls fitting the protagonists story? 45-55 family man trying to get ahead?
  12. I'll risk going on marneys shit list... But that voice is NOT RAY LIOTTA. 100% sure it's not. I'm not 100% sure who it is. But it is not ray liotta. Though the inflections and tone do indicate similarities to ray liotta's character. It's not him. I know his voice well enough. I think if anything the voice actor was told to try and sound a bit like vercetti.
  13. Their "source" is just a website talking about damaging sales through preowned sales and customers not spending money on games add-ons. There is no reason to draw the conclusion that rockstar will lead the way. Fucking idiots.
  14. It would be a good way to have a hispanic character (but not too stereotypically hispanic). However I do beleive from the story, he will be voicing the big guy looking out over the balcony. He's the only one featured in the video who looks like he has a family and would be looking to retirement.
  15. Lots of people were mentioning the guy in the white shirt begging for money (out the front of the construction site) Looks more to me like he's offering drugs.
  16. Agreed. Though I love Clifton Collins Jr. And a hispanic protagonist would be a first.
  17. Trailer Protagonist - Voice Actor Now that we've seen the video, if we go on past Grand Theft Auto first trailers we've got the voice of our main character. We've got no idea who he is and the trailer doesn't make it 100% clear who in the video is the one talking. Speculation says it's either the elder man looking over the city (and possibly leading the Rodeo Drive robbery) or the black guy seen a few times throughout the trailer. Based on the storyline we can assume it is probably the elder man (talks of family and retiring). It seems pretty much confirmed that it's Ned Lukes now. Not a hugely famous actor but an episode of Law and Order SVU and a couple of other bits. The character looks like him down to the mole on his left cheek and it sounds like him aswell. One of his actor buddies posting on twitter about him being in the latest GTA. And Ned Lukes cousin: He has deleted his twitter account now to stop the news getting out, but it's a bit too late. (Compiling of all the latest info thanks to Psy.) Rockstar on Celebrity Voice Actors - - IGN - http://au.xbox360.ig.../1211385p1.html - Rockstar Games - http://www.rockstarg...n-and-chin.htmlAnyone have any ideas on who this is? What do you think? Who could it be? Post suggestions and discussions below.
  18. To be honest I always felt the story in SA was all about Los Santos anyway. I barely remember the layout for San Fierro and Venturas cause the missions there were just filler on the way back to Los Santos. The game can be quite succesful with just Los Santos.
  19. Most importantly, that isn't Ray Liotta's voice. Vercetti is Liotta. He's a part of that character, you can't do him without the voice.... Just not right.
  20. I like that they've put all gta iv cars in. It's a whole bunch of cars they didn't have to remake, as long as they still made the same number of cars new, or more as they did for IV.
  21. OPXs car by the look of the plates.