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Everything posted by PhishFood2013

  1. Its pretty good, different tree different outcomes but most fences are destructible depending on how hard you hit them!
  2. I wonder if there will be any extra skill sets to level up, I mean we are guaranteed to see, stealth/stamino/strengh/flying/driving/lung capacity/??special?? but are they going to add more stats presuming all characters start out as 'newbies' and aim to be hardened criminals? It would be cool if shooting was added as a stat, so minor lacks in accuracy to start with or something.
  3. Im game, just lost $2400000 from a $35000000 share purchase!!! Gonna wait untill tomorrow hopefully it will raise back up after a few ingame days
  4. Something I found out the other day, the backfire from a car an set petrol alight! Pretty cool huh!?
  5. Nah I meant 6vs6 crop dusters with gatling guns fitted to them!
  6. I came across check it out! Any other ingame websites worth looking at? Chuck them here!
  7. I have been but must have missed that, good news anyway, couldnt be dealing with 10+ people changing teams for half hour again!, any confirmed game modes that ive missed aswell?
  8. First of all what game modes are you all wanting to see? Personally i'd like: - Turf War - Cops n' Robbers - Freeroam (ofcourse) - Group heists - Races - Dog Fights - Gang Wars And a few other pieces! Im also looking forward to the lobby set ups, are we going to see old GTA IV lobbies (hope not) or will we see a set up simular to RDR.
  9. I dislike that they haven't really changed the fact the if you start fighting someone under a bridge where nobody else can see you, you still get cops!
  10. Just met him and he will 100% be the most played character
  11. The one thing I dislike is the bonnet view. What have they done?!
  12. Post your favourite feature(s) here! Personally I am really impressed by the police, I love the challenges they present and obstructions they create to capture/kill you, the whole pit monouver technique they use and when they "try" box you in is brilliant!! Also a fan of small features, the police cruisers for example, all have unique id numbers on their roofs. The sound effects are so much better than GTA IV, car engines, tyre effects, im so impressed by this game, has hit high over my personal expectations anyway!
  13. I havent even got tr game yet, boohoo, but im certain I seen some gameplay with km on the distance (to destination) so there must be a way
  14. Maybe a you get further through the game healthcare improves, more health? Cheaper? Its possible, also maybe imrove how much/fast health regens
  15. Ive waited years for this game to be released, no way in hell am I gonna ruin my experience by watching some dumb ass leaks 4 days before hand, R* give limited info for a reason, its to hype you up so the game can be enjoyed and appreciated more when you get it... All to their own I suppose
  16. Sorry to dup the long un, phone messed up half way through, was gonna say some snipers on rooftops would be pretty cool. If they are dropped from a chopper, should give the game a bit more of a "SHIT!" feel
  17. And theres me expecting a rage argument about whos the best driver nah I agree with what you were saying originaly, when you have a police cruiser keeping up with a "ferrari" it makes no sense at all,
  18. #ShitDriver I just hope the police are more trained, got bored quiete swiftly with the popo in IV Im a Shit Driver? Possibly, I couldn't give a positive answer to that as I have never ever ever played you.
  19. As long as I get it release day at 9am when the post comes, giving me 5 hours of playtime before work I will be a happy one. Ima go through amazon, free super fast delivery as its a pre-order and its £34.99! Can't beat that!
  20. #ShitDriver I just hope the police are more trained, got bored quiete swiftly with the popo in IV
  21. Don't worry guys, im working untill 11pm, might risk a bit of a go before work but chances are ill either be late or "ill" if I even load the game up! So looks like at least half 11 for me!