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Everything posted by Bronson

  1. Everyone there knows me. It's the gamestop I used to work at So that wouldn't work. Plus our Midnight release will be having a DJ, And 2 girls will come rolling up in Los Santos police outfits taking "lucky people out of line for a mugshot and prizes. Plus PIZZA!
  2. I'm gonna resist for the fact that I actually want to go to the midnight release
  3. Just talked to my buddy who's the assistant manager at gamestop and he said I could get an advanced copy on the 15th if I want.... Don't know if I want to do that...
  4. Mac Miller and Big Sean over Kanye West? Are you fucking crazy? I don't understand why people hate on Kanye West.... He's a great fucking rapper. Just his personality is shit.
  5. Possibly. Wouldn't feel right showing up all the people waiting outside while I go strolling out with my collectors edition an hour early.
  6. I'll be there around 8 and since I'm going to the gamestop I used to work at. I'll just hang inside with the staff and get my copy right at 12.
  7. BlackSox... really what is the point of even posting a major story spoiler when the game isn't even out yet? Leaked or not it's still pretty stupid considering no one is gonna look at it.
  8. O.K. I found a MASSIVE SPOILER relating to this. ( This is from a third party source, so I would take the information with a grain of salt/ this guy says that the info is from the Leaked PS3 Audio Files for GTA V ) So don't click on the spoiler tags, if you don't want spoiler's relating to... First here is a spoiler telling you about... And here is the Spoiler ~ /me doesn't click
  9. Spoiler tag C'mon man you know better. And that's a big spoiler. Don't do that shit man. Fuck man. I wish I didn't see that. Think it's about time to hibernate away from these forums. Noobs don't know how to use fucking spoiler tags.
  10. English please. Now that I've cracked the code... That makes no sense. You post a link you haven't even looked at yet
  11. Fallout lost to Elder Scrolls in one of the earlier rounds.
  12. Placed my vote yesterday. Problem is that TES Fanboys are making multiple accounts and spamming votes just to win.
  13. It doesn't look to scale. But maybe it's just my eyes playing tricks on me. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.... for now.
  14. That Red Dead map is not to scale. But it would still fit in there even if it was.
  15. Well this is awkward.. So i've been reading on the Reddit of GTA V and I found this VERY interesting post. Basically, this guy VERY accurately measured the maps of RDR, GTA SA, and GTA IV. He Concluded by saying that GTA SA is the largest of the three. Yes, its a fact. He then did a whole bunch of math which wouldn't really interest you but he did all this math using percentages along with the measurements of km I believe and then finally converting it to miles and he did ALL of this just to get an accurate reading of what a mile would be in GTA V's map. So then he posted this. Which is accurately showing how big the map is. How SA is compared to GTA V's map. Just note AGAIN that SA is the largest of all three of the maps i've mentioned. EDIT: Here is the map compared with all 3 of the maps.. oh.. my.. god.. this map is indeed going to be huge. Still worried about the map size, Jizzy?
  16. I'd would be nice if anybody just say what they think it is and not insult me. I dont get the point about it? Because it's so obvious.... What do you do with parachutes?